hi i was wondering if it would be ok to use air drying clay to make my own hides and water bowls? i now you can buy them pretty cheap i just like to have a go at makeing my own. i am on building my own 3 stack viv i will post some pics when i get sorted.
go for it even if you have to bake it theres nothin better than havin your reps in home made vivs and home made hides etc within the vivs, i make all my vivs and have already made one for my corn for when hes big enough the only thing in ssids viv that i havent made is the logs and plastic plants, i made all the hides makin another next week as have been asked on here to do a run down with pics, its the sense of satisfaction just to say i did that, youll need to bake it and seal it with varnish. paul