ive seen some strange things at festivals but nothing like that..i only laugh because i know that i would be daft enough to do something like that too!!!
2.0 Normal Royal Pythons - Q and Little One 1.0 Chihauhaun Mountain Kingsnake - Simba
Just read this... and would like to say HA! She clearly wasn't blonde! I can't help but laugh though cause part of me realises I am that clutzy that that would prob happen to me!
Just read this... and would like to say HA! She clearly wasn't blonde! I can't help but laugh though cause part of me realises I am that clutzy that that would prob happen to me!
Would like to reply regarding my blonde comment that I used to be blonde and my daughter is very blonde, so lots of blonde jokes come our way! It sort of reminds me of the experiment with a monkey and a jar of nuts....he cant get his hand out holding a handful of nuts so can he work out that he can tip the nuts out to get them? OK, that was a bit random, not sure where it came from! xxx