My two snakeys have gone in to boarding as we're going on holiday and I didn't want to leave them in the care of my teenage stepson. I know this sounds daft, but I'm missing them already, every time I pass the empty vivs . I'm an awful worrier, so all the "what if's " are already playing on my mind...
have a nice holiday and sure they will be fine, although i've got to admit if i was going on holiday i'd be worring about my guys too!! animals eh nothing but stress and worry!!
I'm just back after 2 weeks holiday and collected our 3 snakes from boarding last night. Like you I was worried about leaving them, and had a few lost snake dreams while I was away They were fine, 2 had shed while we were gone and they all ate, even fussy Orlando who usually has his fuzzies chick scented, but no he ate them without for the snake guy