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 Not sure if i should worry or not?
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United Kingdom
71 Posts

Posted - 23/02/2012 :  23:11:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
so about a week ago nagini decided to try and escape his viv and got his self stuck on the electricians tape covering the one tiny gap which is now properly sealed!!!! after releasing him he seemed fine just a bit "sticky" there was no difference in behaviour so i didnt worry 3 days ago he regurged his meal but i put this down to it only being his second fuzzy and it was maybe a bit big... then the next day his eyes were really glazed and i thought ahh going into blue to get rid of the stuff on his neck... however today his eyes are clear and fine... really dont know if im worrying too much or if i should be doing anything to help him remove the stickyness from his skin? sorry its a bit long winded just tried to get as many details in as possible :) xXx

qeeun speler

United Kingdom
6129 Posts

Posted - 23/02/2012 :  23:15:31  Show Profile  Click to see Sta~ple's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Their eyes go clear and they look almost normal again after going blue for a few days till they shed. I'd just leave him.

A very special super, duper thanks for K :3
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Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
2382 Posts

Posted - 23/02/2012 :  23:19:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
he will shed in a coulple of days, have you read the regurge topic? x

1.0 western hognose (hero)
1.0 phantom reverse pin dal brindle crested gecko (goyle)
0.2 red dal red harly (sprite) 99% full pin Harley crested gecko (TuLong)
0.0.3 miomantis paykullii
0.0.3 Bombina orientalis (oriental fire bellied toad)
0.3 fancy mice (snap, crackle and pop)
1.0 yorkshire terrier (jasper)
2.1 cats (echo, shadow and pokey)
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65 Posts

Posted - 23/02/2012 :  23:40:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yeah its normal :) my little tink goes super blue eye'd then returns to normal and about a day or two later she sheds
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United Kingdom
71 Posts

Posted - 23/02/2012 :  23:44:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
yer i read the regurge and the shedding topics haha was just paranoid he had damaged himself :P
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Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
4494 Posts

Posted - 24/02/2012 :  16:24:37  Show Profile  Visit Mamma's Homepage  Reply with Quote
any damage done thankfully should be minimal. He should shed fine etc and any slight damage should go with the shed. xx

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United Kingdom
71 Posts

Posted - 25/02/2012 :  14:55:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
he doesnt appear to be in shed at all but that said ive only had one shed so maybe im just not seeing the signs haha either way i raised humidity a little and have just left him be for now :)
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Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
4334 Posts

Posted - 25/02/2012 :  15:31:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The shedding process will repair the damage done by the tape, any stickiness should have been removed using oil but if its about to shed off now not a lot of point cleaning it off. '

The shedding process goes like this:

1) milky belly (about 1 day)
2) body and eyes go blue/cloudy (upto a week)
3) skin and eyes clear again (2-3 days but can be this way for upto 10 days)
4) Old skin is shed off.

Anery Corn snake SPOT. Royal Python, DUKE. Hogg Island Boa, SANKE. Albino House Snake, HAL.
Harlequin Crested Gecko HARLEY
Albino Horned Frog WAKA
Chilean Rose Tarantula TRIXIE. Brazilian Salmon Pink Bird-eating Tarantula SAM. Orange Baboon Tarantula BORIS.
Giant Asian Forest Scorpion, SALLY.
Giant African Land Snails, SHELDON & MICHELLE.
Budwing Mantis, MAIA
Dubia Roach Colony. Silkworm Colony. Mealworm Colony. Waxworm Colony. Fruit Beetle Colony.

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United Kingdom
71 Posts

Posted - 25/02/2012 :  18:03:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I did clean it off but it still looks and feels different but his skin never went dull which is why I don't think it's a shed but time will tell I guess his behaviour has been back to normal recently so I'm just keeping an extra close eye on him
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Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
4334 Posts

Posted - 25/02/2012 :  18:15:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sorry I thought you said his eyes were glazed. Tape is snake kyrptonite and shouldn't be used anywhere near them, if the snake was stuck to the tape how did you remove it? Did the scales tear off? Was anything left on the tape? Was it digesting when it was stuck?

Have a look at the belly, I always find it the most obvious bit to check if a shed is on the way as the black markings aren't clear, they look blurred.

Anery Corn snake SPOT. Royal Python, DUKE. Hogg Island Boa, SANKE. Albino House Snake, HAL.
Harlequin Crested Gecko HARLEY
Albino Horned Frog WAKA
Chilean Rose Tarantula TRIXIE. Brazilian Salmon Pink Bird-eating Tarantula SAM. Orange Baboon Tarantula BORIS.
Giant Asian Forest Scorpion, SALLY.
Giant African Land Snails, SHELDON & MICHELLE.
Budwing Mantis, MAIA
Dubia Roach Colony. Silkworm Colony. Mealworm Colony. Waxworm Colony. Fruit Beetle Colony.

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it is all my fault

United Kingdom
8403 Posts

Posted - 25/02/2012 :  19:54:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well to be honest, the snake did not hurt himself, you put the tape in his way, but hope the damage is not too bad

0.1.0 Corn - Kellogs
1.0.0 Hognose - Storm
0.1.0 Staffy - Lyla
1.0.0 Spaffy(staffy x springer)-Spyro
1.0.0 Ferret - Peanut R.I.P
0.1.0 Crestie - Fudge. Wish List - Pygmy hedgehog. Tropiocolotes

Edited by - scottishbluebird on 25/02/2012 19:55:02
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The Morph Master

United Kingdom
4335 Posts

Posted - 25/02/2012 :  20:16:17  Show Profile  Visit eeji's Homepage  Reply with Quote
getting stuck on the tape may have prompted the shed, and the regurge may just be the stress of it all (if he was stuck pretty bad)

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United Kingdom
71 Posts

Posted - 26/02/2012 :  01:50:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The recurve was a day before his escape attempt and yes I know the tape wasn't good enuff to cover the hole it was only on 2 days while I sorted a new lid his eyes wer glazed for about a day skin never dulled though and the eyes are clear now
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United Kingdom
71 Posts

Posted - 26/02/2012 :  01:51:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There wer no scales torn or anything it was barely stuck 2bf just left a horrible residue
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it is all my fault

United Kingdom
8403 Posts

Posted - 26/02/2012 :  17:02:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Please dont think i was having a nasty go at you, i really wasnt, just that tape is just nasty for snakes, has been mentioned sooo many times is so masy posts
and glad there was no damage!

0.1.0 Corn - Kellogs
1.0.0 Hognose - Storm
0.1.0 Staffy - Lyla
1.0.0 Spaffy(staffy x springer)-Spyro
1.0.0 Ferret - Peanut R.I.P
0.1.0 Crestie - Fudge. Wish List - Pygmy hedgehog. Tropiocolotes
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Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
5292 Posts

Posted - 26/02/2012 :  17:41:10  Show Profile  Visit ScalySituation's Homepage  Click to see ScalySituation's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by lotabob

The shedding process will repair the damage done by the tape

Sonny got stuck on tape when he was rlly little (bad keeping on my behalf, all removed now) and 3 or 4 sheds later you can still see the marks :S

1.0.0 Butter motley corn (Sheldon)
0.1.0 Caramel Corn (Maggie)
0.1.0 Caramel motley corn (Echo)
1.0.0 Cat (Angus)
1 mealworm colony
RIP Skye x
Sleep well Sonny, Mummy loves you xx

Edited by - ScalySituation on 26/02/2012 17:41:28
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United Kingdom
71 Posts

Posted - 26/02/2012 :  22:56:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
No I agree completely the stuff should never be used newbie mistake and lesson deffinately learned he has shed today but havnt found the head of his shed got 2 really badly removed pieces of skin so gonna empty the viv 2mora to see if I can find the rest
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