there is a chance i may be getting a friend for dave in a few weeks. i was wondering if there are any extra precautions i need to take when bringing in a new snake. i wont be housing them together but they will be in the same room. of course handwashing is a must. and ill fully disinfect clean the faun he is to go in but other than that is there anything else. i dont wanna risk the health of either snake thankyou Lisa
Its my understanding (so i may be corrected) thats its best to keep them in separate rooms to start with (not sure of time period), before housing them in the same room.
Ideally they should be quatunteened in seperate rooms as some contagious health issues can be air born. BUT if there is no alternative then in same room but as far away as possible from each other. Yes good hand hygiene is important either washing or alcohol gel is a good alternative when working between snakes.