just a quick update on Aura, well she shed while we were away but has become fussy again and now will only take mouse tails which for a snake that from hatching in mid august to a few weeks ago had never eaten is still better than nothing, they are going to try and get her back onto pinkie pieces and see where we go from there
2.0 Normal Royal Pythons - Q and Little One 1.0 Chihauhaun Mountain Kingsnake - Simba
its frustrating slightly though as before she shed they managed to get her to take a few pinkie quarters but hopefully she will be back on little pinkie snippets soon shes looking good though, shes gained weight which is good - she looks ooh ever so slightly chunkier lol and shes really alert and active when they get her out for me which is promising
2.0 Normal Royal Pythons - Q and Little One 1.0 Chihauhaun Mountain Kingsnake - Simba
I know it seems a backward step HannahB, but you know she had moved onto bits of pinkie before and she will again. Am not sure why she is like this as I dont understand why a snake that has now got the taste of pinkies and worked out how to eat wouldnt.....but I am sure she will improve. You just have to be patient and the fact that she has put on weight and is active is a really good sign.