If you're sticking with the heat lamp (no probs there) then you'll probably want a dimming thermostat which you can pick up on ebay or second hand in classifieds for about £30.
I got a new, cooler bulb and i have a 15watt infrared night heat light ordered and I have a heat mat ordered and I got a thermometer. So im just waiting on the new bulb and mat :D
Oh ane i got some wierd tree bark snake stuff instead of the wood chippings and a new hide for him aswell. But that doesnt really have much to do with the current subject :P
Well I hope he gets better because if that doesnt work then I don't know whats wrong with him :'( But i think what you told me to do will help. So thanks :D:D
I think you'll find it will. You had basically given him 2 options, go to the hot end and cook or stay at the cool end and not be able to digest his food.