Hey guy's i've no internet i'm my flat till tuesday so just in a cafe! Butters had her first pinkie this lunch time was so exciting she had been holed up in the exo tera hide with moss for the first two days but she comes out the odd time at night to drink and go into the hot sides hide. i took some pictures of her first feed i will put them up when i get a chance.
she managed to get caught on some duct tape that was holding the cables the wall of the viv last night, I managed to remove it hopefully delicatly enough but i was freaking out completely (definitly more than her!) but i have now removed all the tape to prevent this happening again. are the cables ok not being fixed to the sides? i don't expect to see her for a day or two now as she may be sulking with me/scared so i'll leave her alone for the next two three days to settle again!!
yeah i know was terrified would injure her as she's less than a year old so skin still really soft. but she was very very good and didn't move so i could remove it carefully