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362 Posts |
Posted - 12/10/2008 : 16:33:14
Slim has been a bit nervous lately, a lot of tail shaking and a bit feisty too, I was getting a bit worried but went to see him yesterday after work and he's all hazy and cloudy eyed. Hopefully that is all that was wrong, are corns normally a bit off during shed? It's my first snake and first shed :) |

1 Carolina Corn Snake 1 Royal Python |
The Count of Corniness
United Kingdom
4428 Posts |
Posted - 12/10/2008 : 16:37:59
They can a be a bit moody. I would be if i couldnt see properly for days! Just leave him be untill his eyes clear up then spray the viv, give him a damp hide or give him a bath. He should enjoy these and it will help him shed  |
362 Posts |
Posted - 12/10/2008 : 16:38:52
I have put some damp moss in his cold hide, as I have read this works, how do you go about bathing a snake?
Like, how warm the water should be, how much etc? |

1 Carolina Corn Snake 1 Royal Python |
The Corn Snake Admin
United Kingdom
4379 Posts |
Posted - 12/10/2008 : 16:57:20
Just luke warm and no deeper than the width of the snake ideally, so that they can just lie there if they want. |
Location: Rotherham
United Kingdom
782 Posts |
Posted - 12/10/2008 : 18:39:02
mine is not nice when he is in shed so i leave him be and put dmp moss in his viv and once he has shed he is fine again. |

[Quote] A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. Albert Einstein. |
362 Posts |
Posted - 12/10/2008 : 20:39:15
I might do the bath thing if the shed doesn't go as planned. Thanks for your help guys! |

1 Carolina Corn Snake 1 Royal Python |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1640 Posts |
Posted - 13/10/2008 : 09:30:15
Test the waters temperature with your elbow instead of your fingers as fingers lie lol. |
1.0.0 Normal corn snake - Dusk 0.1.0 Strawberry Snow Stripe corn snake - Dawn 0.1.0 Harlequin Crested Gecko - Stickles 1.0.0 Sable Syrian Hamster - CoCo 0.1.0 Hognose snake - Truffles |
362 Posts |
Posted - 13/10/2008 : 12:55:08
I'll try that if I have to, at the moment he's curled himself into the damp moss hide, so I hope that's working. |

1 Carolina Corn Snake 1 Royal Python |
259 Posts |
Posted - 13/10/2008 : 23:35:12
How long does it take for a snake to shed? Sirius is looking a bit 'off colour' and was a wee bit moody today (compared to the last week, anyway!).. kinda twitchy..I assume he's pre-shed as he would seem to be about due. I'm with Mulv on the 'pre first shed angsiety' His eyes haven't gone cloudy though  |
1.0.0 miami x crimson corn snake (sirius) 0.2.0 leopard geckos (esma and gytha) 2.0.0 emperor scorpions (bebe and jim) 2.0.0 moggies (othello and tachikoma)
ǝʞɐɔ sǝʌoן
United Kingdom
8173 Posts |
Posted - 14/10/2008 : 01:04:38
Average time i'd say is 7-10 days, but this can vary.
I found a skin in my viv this morning that came off Kelloggs, and he didn't go blue-eye, or if he did it was overnight and went during the day when i was out.
Sid however seems to be blue-eye for about 5 days, then drops her skin about 4 days afterwards, and Crunchy Nut usually goes blue-eye for about 3 days, then drops her skin about 3 days after that.
-=Kehhlyr - The Resident Loon
The Count of Corniness
United Kingdom
4428 Posts |
Posted - 14/10/2008 : 16:22:56
Henry goes grey-boddied for a week, then blue-eyed for 2 days then sheds 2 days after clearing up. |
362 Posts |
Posted - 15/10/2008 : 18:54:35
Sorry to keep on about this guys, but I'm a little confused. After slim going all grey and cloudy eyed, he was due a feed so I offered him a pinky, but he left it and it was there overnight, no sign of slim going near it. Then he hid in his mossy hide for a few days, and I saw nothing of him until today when I was getting worried, lifted up the hide and out he came, looking really eager and energetic. He was kind of looking at me and lifting his head up to near the hatch so I decided to try and offer him some food. He took two pinkies without even flinching. Is he still going to shed or what? I thought he would still refuse food if he was in shed? |

1 Carolina Corn Snake 1 Royal Python |
The Corn Snake Admin
United Kingdom
3093 Posts |
Posted - 15/10/2008 : 19:32:58
All mine eat while shedding. Some snakes refuse, but I think it's rare. Corns are little dustbins  |

362 Posts |
Posted - 15/10/2008 : 19:35:44
Ok thats cool, and the fact that he has practically cleared up, that normal too?

1 Carolina Corn Snake 1 Royal Python |
The Count of Corniness
United Kingdom
4428 Posts |
Posted - 15/10/2008 : 19:57:36
Yep. It should shed 3-4 days after clearing.
Edit = spelling |
Edited by - matty18714 on 15/10/2008 20:19:22 |
362 Posts |
Posted - 15/10/2008 : 20:13:58
Thanks for your help! |

1 Carolina Corn Snake 1 Royal Python |
Topic  |