I love dragons, or basically anything fantasy or gothic, although you wouldn't think that of me if you saw me.
I have 8, all quite dinky in comparison to these on here........ well, what can I say.... why do you think I am called LittleMick? Second thoughts, don't answer that.
Anyway, my firt was at 18 and was a lil Devil with my name under it just to see what it was like and whether I wanted more. Then a skull with a mohawk, then Freddie Kruger busting out my chest (no colour), then another skull with a mohawk. Then a couple of hirogliphic ones, a spider and scorpion on me forearms, both at the same time and about an hour before a wedding, lol. Then a skull, dagger and snake and then finished with a Pawnee indian on my shoulder.
The only ones that hurt were my Freddie one when the needle went to the collar bone and the one on my back across the shoulder blade, the artist got abit carried away with it and did more than he should. I eneded up in a pub after that to quench the pain.
0.4.0 Gerbils (Gemini, Pica, Gerty and Sasha) 0.1.0 Leopard Gecko (Elle) 1.0.0 Carolina Corn Snake(Elijah) 0.0.1 Emperor/Imperial Scorpion (Abbi) 2.0.0 Roborovski Dwarf Hamsters (Micro & Chippy) Tropical fish - 6 Platys.6 Mollies.9 Glowlight Tetra.4 Pearl Gouramis.4 Apple Snails.1 Tiger Plec.2 Common Bristlenose Plecs and lots of babies.
So glad that this topic has been bumped and brought to life again - love looking at other people's tatts....mainly cos I cant get one of my own!
I LOVE yours Gmac - I am a definitely dragon, fantasy, sci-fi fan and that is a great looking dragon.
The tattoo that you found Jase is just stunning, as Lee said it must have taken some serious time, and serious money I would have thought - but definitely worth it.
I still want to see what Eeji's snake tatt ended up like....he only showed it outlined, I want to see the finished product!
(and I still cant get over that spider tattoo, every time I see it I have to remind myself it is inked on !)
Some awesome tats, especially that last snake one, wow!!!
I have a celtic griffon on my right shoulder blade, will have to fish a photo out. It's the one off Buffy lol the one Angel has if anyone ever saw that? The 'A' under it fitted in with my surname and its from a centuries old illustrated bible, so it had history which I liked.
Corn Snake - Bella. Bearded Dragon - Draco. Leopard Gecko - Mojo. Cat - Neo. In our family we also have: Cali King Snake, Spiny Flower Mantis (RIP), African Lined Mantis (RIP), Ghost Mantis (RIP), four Hermit Crabs, a Budgy and a Dog - Mystie... oh and a YAMAHA YZF-R1 but she's feeling a bit neglected at the moment :(
yes i love tattoos to. i have three to date and planning my next for the next couple of months.i,m wanting dog paws on my foot. the only thing i would say is think very carefully about what you want and were you want it.i had my firt tattoo years ago and eventully went off it after a few years, so i got a cover up and though its ok i had to go bigger to cover the origonal tat which is a size would not have chose if u get my drift,anyway good luck and once you get one you will want more :)
Tattoos are very very addictive, theres never "oh i'll only have one" one becomes two, two becomes three etc etc I myself have a tribal on my back shoulder, my initials on my left wrist, daughters name and DOB on my right hand and then my full tribal sleeve.
Firstly my daughters name and DOB on my hand, The 9 has ever so slightly worn off a little, due to being on the side of my hand.
.......Plus I have got an 8 inch scar, which is far better than a tat. It's more 'James Bond baddie-y'
I am with you on that one Kaz. I have a scar on my forehead that I usually cover with my hair. Was bitten by a Doberman when I was about 8 years old. Had to have 50 stitches and no-one could believe it had missed my right eye. Also had to have 5 stitches under my chin - it literally had my head in its jaw. Now that is there for life and proves how 'hard' I am....my battle scar for all to see!
Wow some of those snake ones look amazing - but yeah - alot of time and alot of money!!
iv got two that im planning at the moment - my uncles initials which will be at the top of my spine (he was my godfather and died when i was 2 and a half ) i also like it because his initials are IF - so itl look like iv got if not I.F. - but since im always wondering what if it kinda works,
iv also adapted a celtic circle for another one at hte base of my spine which has alot of personal meanings to me
but since money is almost none-existent for a few months and im trying to get kit together for my first corn it might have to wait a while - but i do have hte pictures up at home and have done for a few months and i still love them and cant wait to havehtem done!!
but yeah - do need to make sure you go to somewhere good - one of mymates have got a few that are decidedly dodgy and i saw one once with lettering and it was all different sizes and a tad skewif - not good!!
£50 an hour so quite an investment. Think im about a third of the way there so far. Gets better with each vist. Was a small tribal that I decided i didnt like so had a sleeve made of it.
Bed baths are gonna be much more interesting in 30 years time for those that have to do it!
Has anyone got a tattoo on their ribs? I know it hurts but like how much? Would you say if you got your hairs plucked or wax out of that area that it is equal to that kinda pain?
I have one on my ribs and no its nothing like getting your hair waxed lol its bloody sore but a pain that's bearable and worth it for the right tattoo i would just go for it.
0.0.2 Aneries: Dorito + Sparkles 1.1.0 Hypo Het Lavender Bloodreds: Chilli + Pepper 1.0.0 Motley Butter: Dave 0.1.0 Ghost stripe : Sssam 0.1.0 Lavender: Princesss Annie 0.1.0 Normal: Medusa (baby sitting for 3 years) 2.2.0 Royal Python: Rafiki , Zazu , Pumba + Timone 1.0.0 orange ghost Python:Buster 1.0.0 Pastel python: enygma 0.1.0 spider python: Kendra 0.1.0 66% het pied: sally 1.0.0 red tail cat fish (Morph)R.I.P 7.2.0 cats (M.I.B.,Picasso,Dealy,Storm,Gokoo,Merc,Chaos,Stitch,Peanuts) Welcome to my petting zoo lol
Have you ever noticed when you run into a spiders web you all of a sudden turn into a ninja