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352 Posts

Posted - 09/01/2010 :  21:38:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi I'm new to this forum. I've been depending on a friend who is a reptile rescue worker for most of my information, but I thought I'd check this out and see if you can answer my question. How do I know if my corn snake is underweight? She is a year old, is 78.8 cm long and weighs 75 grams. I saw something that said 70 cm weighing 100 grams. It makes me wonder. She eats two fuzzies every ten days.

Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
3070 Posts

Posted - 09/01/2010 :  21:43:50  Show Profile  Click to see DannyBrown91's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Hey welcome to the forum, as a first time snake owner im not to sure, can you see or feel its ribs? All corn snakes vary in weight and length to age but i have found this forum to be a wealth of information with many very experienced members.

0.0.1 Ghost Corn - Casper
0.0.1 Diffused Corn - Reggie
0.0.1 Amel Corn - Candy A.K.A Baby
1.0 Commom BCI - Rocky

0.1 Japanese Akita - Sasha

Location: Liverpool
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352 Posts

Posted - 09/01/2010 :  21:47:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks. Just before she feeds, her skin seems baggy and she seems sort of flat. She is gaining weight and I weigh her before every feed. I know to increase her feed if she loses weight instead of gaining, or if she only gains less than a gram. I'm also a first time owner, but I've had Snickers for almost a year now. She and I seem to get along pretty good, but I need to increase her feed if she should be fatter for her length.

Edited by - n/a on 09/01/2010 21:53:03
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ǝʞɐɔ sǝʌoן

United Kingdom
8173 Posts

Posted - 09/01/2010 :  23:05:05  Show Profile  Visit Kehhlyr's Homepage  Click to see Kehhlyr's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
If her skin is baggy, it could be a sign of dehydration as well.
Gently pinch her skin so it leaves a little 'mountain' between your fingers, if it stays when you've let go then she's definitely a bit dehydrated.

Also, what is your setup like?
Size, how is it heated, have you only got it partially heated, substrate, hides, how you're measuring temps etc.

And above all, welcome to the forum.

You'll get a lot of help here when and if you need it, as well as a lot of general banter.
I do suggest you have a look through these topics as well:

Most questions you may want to ask have probably already been asked, so hit the search button on the top right for any more info, failing that then just ask.

-=Kehhlyr - The Resident Loon

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876 Posts

Posted - 09/01/2010 :  23:20:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi and Welcome


"My Heart has joined The Thousand for my friend stopped running today"
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the nice one

United Kingdom
7308 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2010 :  06:58:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi godzchild (love the username!!)! Welcome to the forum! You will find that this is a great place with lots of experienced owners happy to give their advice and support. You also gets lots of fun and friendship as a bonus . I know you have had Snickers for a year so probably know a fair bit apologies for if I am telling you stuff you already know, but better told twice than not at all.

Obviously you are not a new owner, but it may be worthwhile checking out the care sheet on here which is very good (

Glad you are already asking questions. No question asked on this forum is a silly question is much better asked and answered, you will probably find others who want the info too! As Kehhlyr mentioned, use the search option in top right corner to get information and if you cant find the answer there then ask!! Unfortunately pet shops often give 'questionable' advice , so please check out on here anything you are told just to make sure that what they have said is right.

I know you are weighing her regularly but are you keeping a'Snake Diary', noting things like weight, length, feeding dates and what you feed, shedding dates, health problems. I know it seems a bit over the top but it is actually really helpful keeping track of your snake's health - I even note when Kellog and Silvesta poo !

Would definitely be good to know answers to Kehhlyr's questions. The more info we have the more we can help. Pics of her will also help those more knowledgable to see if she looks underweight.

Unwritten forum rule- pics as soon as possible! This link will help...

I always give 'Newbies' a warning, that keeping corns is very addictive and that most of us start out with one and the lucky ones move on from there while others who are not so lucky try to contain their jealousy!! I am impressed you have supressed that addiction for now .


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352 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2010 :  07:09:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks. I will do a search to see what has been asked. I wouldn't want to drive people nuts asking for answers that others have already received. Since the beginning of December, Snickers has had some changes. She has always been shy. In order to hold her, I have to find her and take her out. She was quite active when nobody was around and it was dark. I've caught her decorating her viv by connecting her body between her "plants" like christmas lights on a tree. It was time for another viv and I couldn't see buying two more to match her growth. It was too expensive for us. I'd read that for an adult the viv should be between 4 to 6 feet long. Four feet being around 122 cm, so I bought another viv that is 100X50X50 cm. I tried a heating mat like what she had in her other viv but it wouldn't work. So I tried a heating lamp and she obviously became very stressed. So I went to a heating cable. She's been quite content it seems. In the smaller viv, I'd used indoor/out door carpeting on the bottom. I decided to try a more natural substrate and went to a wood chip like substrate recommended at the pet store. She has taken to burying under the substrate. She has a "stone" moisture pot that she likes to stay in sometimes or under her log. I'd also bought another "watering hole" since I didn't know whether we'd have someone here to change the water for us during the ten days. It was more stone like feel to it. Since then she refuses to drink from the old "watering hole". The stone hole is smaller than the other one that was in her "small" viv. I may eventually get a larger watering hole like the one seems to like. We went from large pinkies to fuzzies. It took her a bit to realize that the fuzzies were for eating. The first four I had to coax her to eat. She kept coddling them and would do anything but eat them. After I returned from my ten day vacation, she suddenly was skarfing the fuzzies without question. I've fed her twice since returning from vacation and both times she scarfs two fuzzies. At her length I'm considering going to three fuzzies. She's not thick enough for the next size up so that means she has to have more of what she can eat.Well now you know everything except for a pic. I might add one as soon as I see how, which will probably be somewhere other than in the introduction section.

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480 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2010 :  09:49:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi godzchild9,

Welcome i too am new to corn snakes and this forum and have had all of my questions answered and helped with my corn snake.
They are a lovely bunch of people and i'm sure someone will answer your questions soon.

1.0.0 Amel, Steve

WISH LIST: blue tongue skink.
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the nice one

United Kingdom
7308 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2010 :  10:11:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dont worry about driving us nuts. I know what it is like to be worried about your snake....when I first got Kellog he didnt eat for 13 weeks. It was this forum that kept me sane. Snakes behaviour does change a bit during the winter, Kellog has just shed which usually takes about a week and this time it took 2 weeks and he went blue twice.

It may be that she is scared by the size of the viv, corns dont like wide open spaces and need vivs approporiate to their size. You could either partition it off so that it is a bit smaller and then remove partition when she grows, or make sure that there are enough hides and coverage with branches and plants.

As far as heating is concerned I am not very experienced and am sure you will get some better informed answers. The heat mat should cover one third of the bottom of the viv. Am assuming it was inside viv. Maybe your use of indoor/outdoor carpeting affected the mats effectiveness. How are you measuring the heat in your viv? What are the temperatures? Have not heard of using a heating cable before so dont know how it works.

Aspen is a great as a substrate as burrowing is a natural instinct for them. She is probably happier with that than with the carpeting. Must be easier to clean as well.

Not sure what you mean by a 'moisture pot', but assume you mean a drinking bowl. I can understand why you supplied her with extra bowl while you were away, but she doesnt need 2 in normally and it may increase humidity in viv which can cause respiratory infections. You cannot be sure that she is not still using her old bowl as she may be at night. It may be worthwhile removing the new bowl if you are happy with her old one.

Have you tried weighing the amount of fuzzies she is eating? Their weight differs amazingly. For example Kellog is eating 1 jumbo mouse every 10 days that weighs the same as the amount that Silvesta is eating every week in the form of 2 medium mice. How often is she being fed? What is her weight? This is a rough guide as to what a snake should be eating...but remember it is only a guide -

Mouse feeding guide:

1 Pinkie (2-3g) every 5-6 days (Snake = 4-15g)
2 Pinkies (3-4g) every 5-6 days (Snake = 16-23g)
Small Fuzzy (5-7g) every 6-7 days (Snake = 24-30g)
Fuzzy (7-9g) every 6-7 days (Snake = 30-50g)
Fluff/Hoppers (9-12g) every 6-7 days (Snake = 51-90g)
Small Adult/Weaned (14-20g) every 7 days (Snake = 91-170g)
Adult (20-30g) every 7-x days (Snake = 170+)

To give you an idea of what they look like -

I dont think her length is a guide to go by for adjusting her feeding. The guide for feeding is 1.5 times the width of the snake, thats a maximum size.

Is there a bump left when she has eaten the 2 fuzzies? You tend to move up in size when there is no longer a bump once they have eaten their 'dinner'.

You must remember that snakes are opportunistic the wild they will never know when or where they are getting their next meal and they are the same in captivity, so given the chance she will overfeed and it is up to you to make sure this doesnt happen, no matter how hungry she may look! Multiple feeding may cause problems.

As far as posting pics is concerned, this link will help -

It would still be good to know how you are measuring the temps in the viv, what those temps are and how you are controlling them. Also how often Snickers is being fed.

I do hope we are able to help.


Kehhlyr - sorry, didnt notice you had already mentioned link to care sheet (should read replies properly....bad Kellog!!!)

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20 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2010 :  10:28:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
hi and welcome

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352 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2010 :  10:30:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have several caresheets that I obtained from the computer over time. When it comes to size they are vague because they say each snake is different. I have a feeding chart too. I think it is the same one you put in. I keep it on top of her viv. The problem is she doesn't like feeding charts. I finally found the one she was willing to follow and that is the size of mouse depends on the width of her widest section. I was concerned when I saw something about a 70 cm long weighing 100 grams and Snickers is a bit longer than 78 cm and weighs only 75 grams. She's a long skinny thing and fattens up only at feedings. The pics I've seen on the net had some that were a year old and appeared much smaller than her and others that were just under a year old and were quite fat. Just before feeding her is when she gets the small mountains as you discribed. She won't drink in her new viv. I finally got her to drink last night by putting her "water hole" on the kitchen table with her and I held her over it. She finally drank for the first time that I saw since I returned from vacation. Before she would drink everytime I went to return her to her old viv. I have no problem getting pics into facebook, but I can't figure out this forum thing or I'd post a pic of my little girl.

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352 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2010 :  10:34:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There is not quite a bump...There is a significant thickening which looks the way i think she should look all the time and doesn't.

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20 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2010 :  10:36:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by godzchild9

I have several caresheets that I obtained from the computer over time. When it comes to size they are vague because they say each snake is different. I have a feeding chart too. I think it is the same one you put in. I keep it on top of her viv. The problem is she doesn't like feeding charts. I finally found the one she was willing to follow and that is the size of mouse depends on the width of her widest section. I was concerned when I saw something about a 70 cm long weighing 100 grams and Snickers is a bit longer than 78 cm and weighs only 75 grams. She's a long skinny thing and fattens up only at feedings. The pics I've seen on the net had some that were a year old and appeared much smaller than her and others that were just under a year old and were quite fat. Just before feeding her is when she gets the small mountains as you discribed. She won't drink in her new viv. I finally got her to drink last night by putting her "water hole" on the kitchen table with her and I held her over it. She finally drank for the first time that I saw since I returned from vacation. Before she would drink everytime I went to return her to her old viv. I have no problem getting pics into facebook, but I can't figure out this forum thing or I'd post a pic of my little girl.

when im returning my snakes to viv i hold them over the water bowl and they take a drink before going to there hide

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352 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2010 :  11:26:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I do too. That is why it had concerned me that she refused to drink for the last week before I returned her.
Originally posted by da55a

Originally posted by godzchild9

I have several caresheets that I obtained from the computer over time. When it comes to size they are vague because they say each snake is different. I have a feeding chart too. I think it is the same one you put in. I keep it on top of her viv. The problem is she doesn't like feeding charts. I finally found the one she was willing to follow and that is the size of mouse depends on the width of her widest section. I was concerned when I saw something about a 70 cm long weighing 100 grams and Snickers is a bit longer than 78 cm and weighs only 75 grams. She's a long skinny thing and fattens up only at feedings. The pics I've seen on the net had some that were a year old and appeared much smaller than her and others that were just under a year old and were quite fat. Just before feeding her is when she gets the small mountains as you discribed. She won't drink in her new viv. I finally got her to drink last night by putting her "water hole" on the kitchen table with her and I held her over it. She finally drank for the first time that I saw since I returned from vacation. Before she would drink everytime I went to return her to her old viv. I have no problem getting pics into facebook, but I can't figure out this forum thing or I'd post a pic of my little girl.

when im returning my snakes to viv i hold them over the water bowl and they take a drink before going to there hide

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352 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2010 :  11:36:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi I'm new to this forum. I've been depending on a friend who is a reptile rescue worker for most of my information, but I thought I'd check this out and see if you can answer my question. How do I know if my corn snake is underweight? She is a year old, is 78.8 cm long and weighs 75 grams. I saw something that said 70 cm weighing 100 grams. It makes me wonder. She eats two fuzzies every ten days.

Edited by - n/a on 10/01/2010 11:48:36
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the nice one

United Kingdom
7308 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2010 :  13:34:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Have you thought of moving up a size to a hopper/fluffy and feeding her 1 every 6 to 7 days. Feeding her every 10 days seems a very long gap...I feed my adult 4.5yr old every 10 days and my 3yr old every 7 days. It definitely sounds as though you need to decrease the gap between feeds and increase the size of feed.


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The Corn Snake Moderator

United Kingdom
5491 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2010 :  16:17:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
hey and welcome
i would definately cut the gap down - maybe try at every 6 or 7 days with 2 fuzzies, she should start to gain weight better with a shorter gap.

with regards to her viv id get some plywood or something and make it smaller, maybe down to about 70-75cms long and really pack in the hides and vines so shes not so out in the open - the more hides the better, maybe use a substrate she can burrow in..
also i used to use one of those heat cables and found that in a viv it wasnt as reliable as a heat mat..i was constantly adjusting it on the stat!

hope this helps

2.0 Normal Royal Pythons - Q and Little One
1.0 Chihauhaun Mountain Kingsnake - Simba

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Queen Bee

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10455 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2010 :  21:27:59  Show Profile  Click to see gingerpony's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
heya and welcome

all my yearlings have been on small mice at a year old BUT if you've had your snake on a maintenance diet done't make any drastic changes to prey item size but, as has been suggested, increase the frequency of feeds to 5-7 days.

cornsnakes, ratsnakes, bullsnakes, boas and day geckos

Location:Leeds/York/Selby area
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