Hey guys, not been on in a while. Hope youre all well.
My little snake is now on large pinkies, 2 a week and has been coping well with them the last 4 weeks. However just now when I tried to feed, it took one fine, then the second seemed to stop halfway through and didnt move for ages. My cat was sat outside my door pawing to get in and meowing his head off. So I put the feeding rub in my snakes viv to give him some peice, came back and he had regurged the one he didnt finish. The second has not been regurged yet however. Should I expect this one to come up after? All temps are perfect etc etc. Im so upset, usually such a happy little snake but I think he was very spooked. :(
0.0.1 Anery corn 0.1.0 German Shepherd Dog [Tauni] 1.0.0 Tawny Ocicat [Rufio]
1st pinkie probably wont come up. Snakey probably got scared and threw the 2nd back up. In the wild if a snake gets disturbed/scared they will regurge half eaten food incase they get attacked and cant defend themselfs.
2nd pinkie probably wont come up. Snakey probably got scared and threw the 2nd back up. In the wild if a snake gets disturbed/scared they will regurge half eaten food incase they get attacked and cant defend themselfs.