when i got my new snake i got him a plastic viv cos he so little.... i know the heat mat goes on the outside underneath but do i put anything under the mat to stop it from scorching my unit and what should i use
A heatmat shouldn't scorch the unit, provided that there's a stat fitted. If you're still not keen on having it directly on a unit, then a tea-towel or something similar underneath will be ok.
tape ya heat mat onto piece of polystyrene under faun or bit of cardboard wrapped in tin foil.. i have found both methods direct heat nicely
love my animals more than i like people. the gang 1 ridgeback 2 kids 1 anery-lil aney 1 m, 4 ft candy cane corn.. aka kellogg.. 1 carolina corn-claret/carrot Newest additon.. f whiteout corn-pastel?? 1african house snake - Bob
yup, small flat square of polystyrene is good - if you've brought any electrical stuff lately you might still have some left in the packing, I always save mine! lol
E-T 'rain-forest' type mats MUST have airflow underneath and are ONLY recommended for glass vivs. not sure about any others in their range but check first!!
cornsnakes, ratsnakes, bullsnakes, boas and day geckos