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United Kingdom
884 Posts |
Posted - 30/07/2013 : 17:20:47
Natalya, bitin blizzard....

Apache, punchy pied sided granite...

Scat, sizzlin sinocorn...

Tavana, grumpy granite...

Fara, smelly snow...

Angua, angry avalanche...

Thing, another agrivated avalanche...

Topaz, munchin moonstone...

Marmite, monstrously maleviolent mexican black king...

Nala, crazy crimson...

Rusty, amazing amel...

Spartacus, perfectly pleasant pied sided bloodred...

Duende, lazy lavender...

Zuco, ambient amber stripe...

Diddy, casually cool carolina...

Andariel, albino california king...

Nadira, hissy fit hatchling...
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1245 Posts |
Posted - 30/07/2013 : 18:03:49
All lovely as usual:-) |
0.0.1 ANERY (Liquorice) 0.0.1 CAROLINA (Bangle) 0.0.1 AMEL (Boozer)
it is all my fault
United Kingdom
8403 Posts |
Posted - 30/07/2013 : 18:42:33
Too many to name that are my favs |
      0.1.0 Corn - Kellogs 1.0.0 Hognose - Storm 0.1.0 Staffy - Lyla 1.0.0 Spaffy(staffy x springer)-Spyro 1.0.0 Ferret - Peanut R.I.P 0.1.0 Crestie - Fudge. Wish List - Pygmy hedgehog. Tropiocolotes |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1539 Posts |
Posted - 30/07/2013 : 19:16:59
Awesome bunch of snakey's; Absolutely Astounding Alliteration  Lurve the lot of them  Not just me that finds the pinky eyed bunch a bit erm,BITEY then? What substrate do you use?looks very good and natural  |
United Kingdom
884 Posts |
Posted - 30/07/2013 : 19:49:53
lol nope, just ran out of adjectives :p
actually now I think of it, a lot of the more snappy are red eyed. But both avalanches are very chilled
The substrate I am trying, it is eco earth that has been dried out after, they seem to like it and it looks nice too |
lupi lou
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3670 Posts |
Posted - 30/07/2013 : 21:04:22
fab pics and snakes as always |
  1.0.1 Corns 0.1.0 Dog: springer 1.0.0 Horse 0.4.0 Gerbils 2.2.0 Leopard gecko 0.2.0 Cave gecko |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1773 Posts |
Posted - 30/07/2013 : 21:58:05
All gorgeous, however Nadira and Amber are fav's :) |
Albino Addiction ... <3 0.1.0 - Creamsicle Cornsnake (Mo) 1.0.0 - Bubblegum Snow Corn (Gabriel) 1.0.0 - Lavendar 100% Het Hypo Corn (Ezra) 1.0.0 - Bairds Rat Snake (Lazarus) 0.0.1 - Crested Gecko (Pan) |
United Kingdom
146 Posts |
Posted - 31/07/2013 : 23:08:32
My gosh... all beautiful snakes..
Must take a lot of time to look after them all.. Lovely collection. |
0.1.0 CB 11Amel Corn "Fuzzy" 0.1.0 CB14 Hypo Jungle Boa "Fizzy" Pair of Woma Pythons |
smart bunny
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
5091 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2013 : 08:26:59
Gorgeous, love their names - but poor Andariel, the only one not getting a moniker! :( |
United Kingdom
494 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2013 : 10:59:45
Andariel must feel left out angries. The only one without a title in his name. |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
5853 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2013 : 11:11:06
Great collection you have there!  |
Husband....Very Understanding!!! (Phil) Son & Daughter (Kevin & Carol) Granddaughter (Eva) 3.4.0 Cornsnakes Amel (Sidney) Caramel Stripe (Sultan) Amber (Cleo) Carolina (Phoebe) Anery Motley Stripe (Penny) Snow (Lily) Caramel (Holmes) 1.2.0 Royal Pythons(Peeps, Pandora & Pepsi) 1.0.0 Hognose (Hudson) 2.1.0 Dogs (Dillon, Alfie, Ellie) 0.1.0 Senegal Parrot (Peanut) 1.1.0 Bearded Dragons (Bonnie & Clyde) 1.0.0 Crested Geckos (Echo) 0.2.1 Hermanns Tortoises (Ebbie, Rosie & Twiglet) 0.1.0 Guinea Pig (Dolly-Pipsqueak) 0.1.9 Tarantulas (Poppy, Gypsy, Bumble, Insey Winsey, Sonic, Cookie, Raven, Fudge, Titch & Sox) ??? Foster animals Location: Near Saffron Walden, Essex
449 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2013 : 11:45:11
Such an awesome collection! Scat and Marmite are particularly gorgeous, and Tavana and Zuco too :) |
'Lovecraft' - CB12 male amel
'Sarnath' - CB13 male KSB (anery, het. albino) |
United Kingdom
884 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2013 : 14:59:39
quote: Originally posted by tk72
Andariel must feel left out angries. The only one without a title in his name.
I couldnt think of any .... annoying andariel :p |
United Kingdom
340 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2013 : 15:58:44
Lovely photo's and pretty snakes  |
1.0.0 pinstripe Royal Python 1.0.0 Bumblebee Royal Python 1.0.0 Normal corn 1.0.0 Extreme red Hognose 0.1.0 Extreme red tiger Hognose 1.1.0 yemen chameleons 1.0.0 Piebald yemen 1.0.0 Tamatave panther 1.0.0 Quadricornis 2.1.0 pygmy chameleons
Topic  |