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United Kingdom
87 Posts |
Posted - 28/07/2013 : 00:15:51
Sid three weeks after getting him. He's doing well at the moment. My first snake so still have lots to learn. [URL=] [/URL] |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1245 Posts |
Posted - 28/07/2013 : 08:10:53
Very cute looking fellow and everybody is still learning they don't always do what you expect |
0.0.1 ANERY (Liquorice) 0.0.1 CAROLINA (Bangle) 0.0.1 AMEL (Boozer)
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
2525 Posts |
Posted - 28/07/2013 : 09:09:37
Gorgeous, very bright, and I love those two dots above his eyes. Bet he'll be a stunner, when he's grown up. :-) |
0.1.0 late CB10 Carolina corn snake - Bazilishka 1.0.0 CB11 Abbots Okeetee- Little Twiddler 1.0.0 CB11 Hypo corn- Sebastianek 1.0.0. CB14 Butter Motley - Squidwood 0.0.2 CB18 normal/ Okeetee yearlings Bunny and Lalalishka 0.0.1 hognose 0.1.0 stable cat 0.1.0 house cat |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1539 Posts |
Posted - 28/07/2013 : 09:10:19
Yayyy 'Snake and Sydney Pie' yum lovely little bloke congratulations  |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1773 Posts |
Posted - 28/07/2013 : 12:36:46
Aww cuddley ickle face! |
Albino Addiction ... <3 0.1.0 - Creamsicle Cornsnake (Mo) 1.0.0 - Bubblegum Snow Corn (Gabriel) 1.0.0 - Lavendar 100% Het Hypo Corn (Ezra) 1.0.0 - Bairds Rat Snake (Lazarus) 0.0.1 - Crested Gecko (Pan) |
it is all my fault
United Kingdom
8403 Posts |
Posted - 28/07/2013 : 15:17:24
Very pretty |
      0.1.0 Corn - Kellogs 1.0.0 Hognose - Storm 0.1.0 Staffy - Lyla 1.0.0 Spaffy(staffy x springer)-Spyro 1.0.0 Ferret - Peanut R.I.P 0.1.0 Crestie - Fudge. Wish List - Pygmy hedgehog. Tropiocolotes |
449 Posts |
Posted - 29/07/2013 : 09:01:40
D'aww very sweet, and congrats on your first snakey :) |
'Lovecraft' - CB12 male amel
'Sarnath' - CB13 male KSB (anery, het. albino) |
smart bunny
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
5091 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2013 : 08:41:25
Congrats, what a gorgeously bright little snake :D |
United Kingdom
340 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2013 : 15:59:28
Very pretty corn  |
1.0.0 pinstripe Royal Python 1.0.0 Bumblebee Royal Python 1.0.0 Normal corn 1.0.0 Extreme red Hognose 0.1.0 Extreme red tiger Hognose 1.1.0 yemen chameleons 1.0.0 Piebald yemen 1.0.0 Tamatave panther 1.0.0 Quadricornis 2.1.0 pygmy chameleons
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
5853 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2013 : 17:41:41
He's adorable. This is the place to learn loads.  |
Husband....Very Understanding!!! (Phil) Son & Daughter (Kevin & Carol) Granddaughter (Eva) 3.4.0 Cornsnakes Amel (Sidney) Caramel Stripe (Sultan) Amber (Cleo) Carolina (Phoebe) Anery Motley Stripe (Penny) Snow (Lily) Caramel (Holmes) 1.2.0 Royal Pythons(Peeps, Pandora & Pepsi) 1.0.0 Hognose (Hudson) 2.1.0 Dogs (Dillon, Alfie, Ellie) 0.1.0 Senegal Parrot (Peanut) 1.1.0 Bearded Dragons (Bonnie & Clyde) 1.0.0 Crested Geckos (Echo) 0.2.1 Hermanns Tortoises (Ebbie, Rosie & Twiglet) 0.1.0 Guinea Pig (Dolly-Pipsqueak) 0.1.9 Tarantulas (Poppy, Gypsy, Bumble, Insey Winsey, Sonic, Cookie, Raven, Fudge, Titch & Sox) ??? Foster animals Location: Near Saffron Walden, Essex
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