How long have you had her? How old is she? What is her set-up like? Do you have a heatmat that is controlled by a thermostat and monitored by a digital thermometer? What temp is her warm end? Has she shed recently? Is she behaving normally when handled? What is she feeding on, how often? What does she weigh?
Any thing else you can think of as well.....the more info we have the more able we are to give you some advice as to what's going on.
Shes about 8 months old shes on small mice every 6 days she weighs 100 grams warm end temp is 28.5 shes feeding fine but hasent pooed this week and shes just not hardly moveing the only other thing is we moved her in to a bigger rub 2 weeks ago
A small every 6 days seems like slightly to close together. Have you been on this regime long? I would feed every 7-10 days in a small. She may still be settling in x
1.0 western hognose (hero) 1.0 phantom reverse pin dal brindle crested gecko (goyle) 0.2 red dal red harly (sprite) 99% full pin Harley crested gecko (TuLong) 0.0.3 miomantis paykullii 0.0.3 Bombina orientalis (oriental fire bellied toad) 0.3 fancy mice (snap, crackle and pop) 1.0 yorkshire terrier (jasper) 2.1 cats (echo, shadow and pokey)
I would agree with Georgina about feeding her weekly, rather than every 6 days. And it could be that she's adjusting to her new home.
You say she's hardly that during the day or also when you have her out, handling her? I don't see my snakes between handling sessions, as they are hiding away, except during breeding season. But I know they come out at night because I can see the substrate has been pushed down. She is probably doing that, which is normal behaviour.