Is there a reason why Jaffa migh have suddenly changed his mind about feeding? He took his jumbo mouse as usual and there was only 1cm of tail left to go but he just kept his mouth wide and the whole thing came back out!
Some times they do this if the prey is to big. Or startled whilst eating. Personally I'd treat as a regurge and hit feed for 10-15 day. How often are you feeding?
1.0 western hognose (hero) 1.0 phantom reverse pin dal brindle crested gecko (goyle) 0.2 red dal red harly (sprite) 99% full pin Harley crested gecko (TuLong) 0.0.3 miomantis paykullii 0.0.3 Bombina orientalis (oriental fire bellied toad) 0.3 fancy mice (snap, crackle and pop) 1.0 yorkshire terrier (jasper) 2.1 cats (echo, shadow and pokey)
Thanks for the quick reply, he feeds every ten days, might have startled him when I checked to see if he'd finished though it doesn't normally bother him. It's definitely not too big for him anyway, I'll wait 10 days again then, thanks