Martha is growing very quickly (and doing very well :)) She is currently in a large faunarium (as detailed in the set up thread) but is far too big for it now so I need to buy her a new home. The pet shop recommended a wooden vivarium but I prefer the look of the glass ones (I like being able to see her from all angles! Also I am nervous about moving from a heat mat to a heat lamp - I think I would be scared the guard would fall down or she would break it! Finally wouldn't wooden vivs need artifical lighting whereas glass ones wouldn't??)
Basically can anyone recommend a suitable new home?
She is approx 2 ft long now (maybe slightly over) and I'm not sure how big a home I should get.
There's nothing wrong with using a mat in a glass viv. You don't have to use lamps. I have mine in a 2ft wooden viv. Use a mat and not a lamp. Hear sources are optional to your preference.
a wood viv wouldnt loose as much heat as a glass one, as long as the heat mat is statted it shouldnt be an issue running a mat in a glass tank altough some one who keeps their snakes in a glass tank would be better able to advise. a lot of people on here myself included have the viv exotic lx36 which is 3x1x1ft. you could use LED lighting if you go for the wooden viv option.
Yeah, ditch the lamp and keep using a heat mat. Or if you want to still use a lamp I recommend keeping the mat as well. I'm thinking of putting some lights on the top of my rubs to see my snakeys better.
I *personal opinion only and I'm sure others will disagree* think snakes would feel less secure in a glass viv precisely because they can be viewed from all angles. Even in the faun I put black paper around the back and sides to help them feel more secure as youngsters. As above there is absolutely no need to switch from a mat to a lamp if you don't want to - and that includes in a wooden viv, the mat just goes on the floor inside. They are a little dark if you don't have lighting so I have just got strip LED lights from eBay which I am very happy with (if Auld Baldy sees your post he will tell you the Ikea LED strips are fab lol!). I got a vivexotic LX36 intending it to be Corno's 'forever home' but she's growing so fast and Ember needed to go up to a full viv so I ended up upgrading Corno to a VX 48 instead.
Hi i do have one corn in a glass viv, but i should point out that merucry is a bit of a show off (he has an exo terra vine high up wich he is always on at night). I did try Astrid first but she went completely off her food and when moved into a wooden viv started to eat again. I use a statted heat mat in the glass viv and plenty of plants and hides.It really depends on the snake.
Thanks for the advice. I think I'll probably go for a wooden viv with a heat mat. Silly question though - how do I put the heat mat in the vivarium - it has a mat on one end an a plug that does not come off on the other! I presume I am supposed to put it in the viv rather than underneath?
ye the mat goes in the viv and there is little semi-circle holes you can either put the cord through then screw the back in when your assembling the viv or its very easy to take the plug off the heat mat, thread it through and re-wire it, you just need a screw driver and you can get instructions off the web quite easily if you are unsure about re-wiring the plug
0.1 CB10 Snow Cornsnake - Galaxy ~(Currently MIA) 1.0 CB11 Ultramel Anery Consnake -Orion 0.1 CB11 Lavender Cornsnake - Star 0.1 Leopard Gecko-Simo 1.1 Jack Russell-T.J and Harley (Minature) 1.1 Cats-Rascal and Dizzee 1.0 TB Horse-Mickey
The vivexotic vivs have holes at the top for the wires - you just put everything through that you need to before popping the lid on top ;) Cannot say about other vivs - I believe some vivs you have to drill holes youself, and then would need to remove then reattach the plug.