Thought we had lost dora last night was haveing a handleing sesh and she was all calm so thought it would be all right to put her down on the rug and have an explore but she just bolted at about 100 mph i managed to get hold of her before she went under the sofa lol do they slow down with age?
If they want to move quick they can ,I put one of my bearded dragons in the garden a while ago Bareing in mind it hardly ever moves, it bolted straight in to a thorn bush lol .
1x staffy-Roxy I x iguana-zilla Several tessera corns
hehe oh yes i have def learnt myself not to put my two down yet, much too fast for my liking and Star gets rather grumpy if she thinks she is finally getting away then i pluck her up!
0.1 CB10 Snow Cornsnake - Galaxy ~(Currently MIA) 1.0 CB11 Ultramel Anery Consnake -Orion 0.1 CB11 Lavender Cornsnake - Star 0.1 Leopard Gecko-Simo 1.1 Jack Russell-T.J and Harley (Minature) 1.1 Cats-Rascal and Dizzee 1.0 TB Horse-Mickey
Untangling yearling corns from wires behind a chest of drawers is fun too I'm looking forward to Apollo slowing down a little bit but at the same time I'm enjoying the zoomy curiousness He's already much calmer and less likely to make a dash for it than he used to be.
i've only just started putting 8 on the bed (under strict in instructions he's not to poo on it!) as he's quite a chilled boy, as for jinx the little pocket rocket wont leaving my hands untill he's a bit bigger and steadied down a bit!!