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 my corn snake died unexpectedly
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Sub Adult

United Kingdom
1504 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  10:15:25  Show Profile  Send marc_sg an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Just spoke to them for u. They are called lawton and stoaks vertinary clinic and their no. Is 01708 384444. They said it works out to £180ish for the pm

0.1.0 Amels (sid) 1.0.0 carolina stripe (simon)0.1.0 ghost (silva) 1.1.0 diffused/bloodreds (scarlet and samson)
1.0 staffy x beagle
soon to have female pin royal

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Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
5292 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  10:24:35  Show Profile  Visit ScalySituation's Homepage  Click to see ScalySituation's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
so sorry to hear of your premature loss x

don't beat yourself up.

still think interspecies cohabbing is rather odd/dodgy

1.0.0 Butter motley corn (Sheldon)
0.1.0 Caramel Corn (Maggie)
0.1.0 Caramel motley corn (Echo)
1.0.0 Cat (Angus)
1 mealworm colony
RIP Skye x
Sleep well Sonny, Mummy loves you xx
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smart bunny
Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
5091 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  11:16:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Also, do you mean the python and boa were in the same tank as the corn, or in sep vivs in the same room? The latter is fine!

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Snake Mite

United Kingdom
22 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  11:50:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by lotabob

Sorry to hear that your snake has died so young, I can only echo really what has been said before, there area few things mentioned in its past care and a few things mentioned in your care that are not what is recommended and could have contributed to the snakes death in as much as a weakened immune system possibly leading to illness. Your feeding routine is absolutely right, a big rat would have put his digestive system under a lot of strain.

Your temperatures been un-regulated and incorrectly monitored could have contributed to weakening the snake.

If the snake was warm at the time putting him in tepid water could have caused shock as the body rapidly cooled.

If it was struggling been put in water could have caused it to drown.

Bathing them is stressful, it could have contibuted.

These are all ifs and coulds though, you wont know for sure until you get a PM done, it could be an illness contracted from the other snakes that has taken its time to show signs, usually a sick snake will only look sick as it dies the rest of the time it just carries on as normal the best it can unless you are hawk eyed and spot the signs.

Thanks for that. I have been reading about it all night, and I think he may have suffocated. I could see his tongue getting purple. I knew the bath wasn't a good idea, I'm an idiot and I can't forgive myself. He wasn't warm at the time of bathing though, he's been resting on the cold side of the viv. He suffered so much. As for temps, I just believed in what I've been told by the experienced, I thought, keepers.
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Snake Mite

United Kingdom
22 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  11:53:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ScalySituation

so sorry to hear of your premature loss x

don't beat yourself up.

still think interspecies cohabbing is rather odd/dodgy

Thanks. You probably right, but the fact is that seemed fine living with others. I saw him curling up together with those bigger snakes. So now I think I did something wrong.
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Snake Mite

United Kingdom
22 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  11:54:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by smart bunny

Also, do you mean the python and boa were in the same tank as the corn, or in sep vivs in the same room? The latter is fine!

They were in the same tank, 3 of them. They looked happy and healthy, but what do I know. I never had a snake before.
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Snake Mite

United Kingdom
22 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  11:57:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by marc_sg

Just spoke to them for u. They are called lawton and stoaks vertinary clinic and their no. Is 01708 384444. They said it works out to £180ish for the pm

Thanks for your help Marc, I live in Camden but will call them today and see what can be arranged.
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Snake Mite

United Kingdom
22 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  11:59:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by kdlang

I am so so sorry to hear about your snake. Please do not beat yourself up about it. It really sounds like you have been given bad advise which may or may not have contributed to his death. It may just have been one of those things and he was suffering from something that you could not have known about.

Please do not let this put you off getting another snake. Now you have found us we can help you to make sure that your set-up is right and advise on any problems.

Thanks. The worst thing is, tomorrow is my birthday and I know that my friend got me another snake, not knowing that Butch had died. I'm so not ready for this, I can't do it. It feels wrong.
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Snake Mite

United Kingdom
22 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  12:02:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by kev 5

sorry for your loss. try not to beat yourself up to much, you we're obviously given bad advice

Thanks. I'm devastated, I should have looked into this more instead of just blindly following the advice.
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United Kingdom
369 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  12:44:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
sorry for your loss well if matey has got you a snake for your birthday you no what to do now and give him/her twice the love and care :}

all the best

1x staffy-Roxy
I x iguana-zilla
Several tessera corns
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Snake Mite

United Kingdom
22 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  13:03:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

thanks guys for all your support.
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smart bunny
Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
5091 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  13:40:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Awww no, such a shame this happened right before your birthday xx

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828 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  14:26:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Aw no, this is heartbreaking reading this My sympathies to you.. Can't have been easy to watch it happen infront of you.

However I don't think the bath would have killed him, it certainly wouldn't cause him to suffocate.

A couple of points on previous care tips: 1 large rat is far too much for a corn. Co-habbing with other corns is risky enough, to co-hab with a python and a Boa is a terrible decision, this would have severely stressed him out. Baths are fine for digestion, and shouldn't affect snakie too much, so long as it's not done too often. Temps should be monitored at floor level, air temps aren't an accurate enough indication of temps where the snake is (on the floor).

As to what happened then, I don't know honestly..! I can't think what would cause a snake to suffocate suddenly, perhaps ingesting some bedding.. But aspen isn't as bad as things like beech chips for that kind of risk.

Honestly, it sounds as though you really cared for snakie, and it certainly doesn't sound like your fault, anything that's happened. The Post mortem should reveal what went wrong, but as everyone has said, don't think it was your fault. I wish more people cared as much for their animals as you do. x

Oscar Morrell
0.1.0. Tessera het Caramel Diffused Hypo ph Amel Anery CB'12 "Cassi", 0.1.0. Diffused Powder CB'12 "Ruby"
0.1.0. Normal Stripe, het Hypo, Amel, Lavender CB'11 "Amber", 1.0.0. Lavender Stripe het Diffused Anery Amel Hypo CB'11 "Pluto"
1.0.0. Hypo Opal Ph Stripe CB'12 "Hops", 1.0.0. Caramel Stripe het Amel CB'08 "Jasper", 1.0.0. Opal Stripe het Anery CB'09 "Topaz"
0.1.0. Amel Stripe het Caramel CB'09 "Poppy", 0.1.0. Tessera het Amel Lavender Stripe ph Diffused Hypo Anery CB'12 "Amethyst"
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Sub Adult

United Kingdom
1504 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  14:38:04  Show Profile  Send marc_sg an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Dont panic about the present snake. Take it and look after it. Now ur on here any problems there are a lot of people on here that will answer ur questions

0.1.0 Amels (sid) 1.0.0 carolina stripe (simon)0.1.0 ghost (silva) 1.1.0 diffused/bloodreds (scarlet and samson)
1.0 staffy x beagle
soon to have female pin royal

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United Kingdom
105 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  14:57:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
awwwh this is sooo sad! im sorry for your loss! , i know as well as everyone else that co-habiting corns with different species is a BIG no no! . i cant imagine how you are feeling.. but something good comes out of something bad, and the good thing is , there are soo many people on this forum that know their stuff! and have given you some really good advice.
so the good thing to come out of this is you've learned alot more than what you did know about these snakes and not to give them stress by putting them in with a python and a boa! whoever told you that was ok was a douch bag ! and it annoys me because their are so many people out there giving people the wrong advice when it comes to the care, and wellbeing of corns that it just cause big mistakes. but dont blame yourself, :) but hey you can now focus on looking after your other one.. and like everyone else has said if in doubt ask the question on here!

the corn snake forum is AWESOME!!! :) x
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Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
2331 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  15:01:14  Show Profile  Visit paulie78's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by alexbruxa

Originally posted by kev 5

sorry for your loss. try not to beat yourself up to much, you we're obviously given bad advice

Thanks. I'm devastated, I should have looked into this more instead of just blindly following the advice.

We've all been the victims of bad or irresposnible advice in the past you arent the first and certainly wont be the last research is soo important and second most important thing is getting your setup right from the off eg making sure you have the right kind of heat and ensureing its controlled by a stat everyone is here to help and this forum is an invaluable resource

6.8.0 Corn Snakes
1.1.0 Royal
0.2.0 Chinchillas
1.1.0 Cats
1.1.0 Birds
0.0.2 Fishtanks
0.0.1 Cali Kingsnake
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Sub Adult

United Kingdom
1504 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  20:31:11  Show Profile  Send marc_sg an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Dont panic about the present snake. Take it and look after it. Now ur on here any problems there are a lot of people on here that will answer ur questions

0.1.0 Amels (sid) 1.0.0 carolina stripe (simon)0.1.0 ghost (silva) 1.1.0 diffused/bloodreds (scarlet and samson)
1.0 staffy x beagle
soon to have female pin royal

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Sub Adult

United Kingdom
1135 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  21:01:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So sorry to hear about your loss. Sometimes, these things just happen, plenty of people have had seemingly healthy snakes that have just been found dead suddenly, sadly you were just unlucky enough ti witness it, which is never a nice thing.
Best thing to do is get the postmortem done, so you can have some closure at least. It could have been unavoidable for all you know, something wrong with the snake itself that was just waiting to go off.
Your friend gave you bad advice, and I question his care if he keeps different species together, but that's done now, you know not to pay attention to what he says from now on.

As has been said, don't panic about the gift snake. Like I said, it could have been something ticking away for all you know, and besides a few things to iron out, your care seems fine, and you genuinely care for your animals.

First off, get a thermostat and plug your mat into that. That will regulate your temperature for you, to ensure it stays constant and won't be too cold or over heat. You'll also need a digital thermometer, which you can get on ebay for about £2 - £3, and they work very well, but the temperature sensor has to remain on the mat, alongside the thermostat probe. I personally like to hotglue these in place. Some people pshaw and egt a bit up themselves when you mention thermostats, and I always find my respect drops for those people, especially if they're in a position where new keepers will come to them with questions and seeking advice. Such a simple but essential piece of kit, and these people are balancing on a knifes edge and it's their snakes lives on the line!

I've gone off topic, but I'm sure you get what I'm saying!
ALso, large/jumbo mice for adults corns are about the size you want to feed, my mind boggles as to how an adult could fit a large rat in, I fed a large adult I have a small rat once and he barely fit it in!
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Snake Mite

United Kingdom
22 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  22:10:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by oakleyman18

Aw no, this is heartbreaking reading this My sympathies to you.. Can't have been easy to watch it happen infront of you.

However I don't think the bath would have killed him, it certainly wouldn't cause him to suffocate.

A couple of points on previous care tips: 1 large rat is far too much for a corn. Co-habbing with other corns is risky enough, to co-hab with a python and a Boa is a terrible decision, this would have severely stressed him out. Baths are fine for digestion, and shouldn't affect snakie too much, so long as it's not done too often. Temps should be monitored at floor level, air temps aren't an accurate enough indication of temps where the snake is (on the floor).

As to what happened then, I don't know honestly..! I can't think what would cause a snake to suffocate suddenly, perhaps ingesting some bedding.. But aspen isn't as bad as things like beech chips for that kind of risk.

Honestly, it sounds as though you really cared for snakie, and it certainly doesn't sound like your fault, anything that's happened. The Post mortem should reveal what went wrong, but as everyone has said, don't think it was your fault. I wish more people cared as much for their animals as you do. x

Hey, thanks for that. Yep it was terrible. So it was burying him, cleaning his tank and getting rid of any extra supplies I had for him. Thanks so much for your tips, I'm sure it will come useful one day, right now I'm feeling too guilty to get another snake. I will for sure, in a while. Not doing post mortem as spoke to the vet and apparently I kept it in the room temp for too long and the results wouldn't be a 100% accurate, especially that he looked absolutely normal, no lumps, bumps, injuries, mouth/nose discharge. My fault again, couldn't bare to just put it in the box in the fridge, just curled it up and left in its tank instead.
I have now buried it under a tree.
I have no idea how he could swallow any bedding as I fed him on the floor. Also, given the stress caused by other snakes previously, could that contribute to his death? I have a video of him from right before his death, I was hoping to show it to the vet in the morning. None of the keepers I showed it to today have seen this behavior before. How do I upload it here? Thanks .
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Snake Mite

United Kingdom
22 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2012 :  22:11:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by paulie78

Originally posted by alexbruxa

Originally posted by kev 5

sorry for your loss. try not to beat yourself up to much, you we're obviously given bad advice

Thanks. I'm devastated, I should have looked into this more instead of just blindly following the advice.

We've all been the victims of bad or irresposnible advice in the past you arent the first and certainly wont be the last research is soo important and second most important thing is getting your setup right from the off eg making sure you have the right kind of heat and ensureing its controlled by a stat everyone is here to help and this forum is an invaluable resource

I will come back to the forum for sure, once I'm ready to get a new little guy. Thank you so much for your advice.
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