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Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
5292 Posts |
Posted - 25/03/2012 : 20:58:35
Hey all
Just a coupla reasons why forumites are sometimes better than family :)
1: we all have the same interests so we dont get into tiffs about 'why?' and all that malarkey.
2: theres nearly always someone around for advice or just a chat
So come on... any more reasons why forumites can be better than family?
You really are like my 2nd family x
The Crazy Cousin x  |
1.0.0 Butter motley corn (Sheldon) 0.1.0 Caramel Corn (Maggie) 0.1.0 Caramel motley corn (Echo) 1.0.0 Cat (Angus) 1 mealworm colony RIP Skye x Sleep well Sonny, Mummy loves you xx
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
4494 Posts |
Posted - 25/03/2012 : 21:00:56
because if something cool or exciting happens in this house, and MammasGirl is at school, hubby isnt interested at all and cant see the big deal lol. Least you guys know the score 
and I have met some really wonderful people here both online and eventually in real life. Which is cool cos I dont have many friends who are into the snakes Im afraid haha. xx |

Please feel free to add my photography page on facebook .... or check me out on deviantart : |
The Scottish Admin
United Kingdom
5319 Posts |
Posted - 25/03/2012 : 21:01:36
because i dont need to buy you all presents at christmas :D |

it is all my fault
United Kingdom
8403 Posts |
Posted - 25/03/2012 : 21:17:58
quote: Originally posted by gmac
because i dont need to buy you all presents at christmas :D
lmao people here are far more interested in all pets than family |
      0.1.0 Corn - Kellogs 1.0.0 Hognose - Storm 0.1.0 Staffy - Lyla 1.0.0 Spaffy(staffy x springer)-Spyro 1.0.0 Ferret - Peanut R.I.P 0.1.0 Crestie - Fudge. Wish List - Pygmy hedgehog. Tropiocolotes |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
2036 Posts |
Posted - 25/03/2012 : 21:18:44
because you all look at the pictures with the same enthusiam as i do |
Lilly Crystal Harry 1.2.0 corns, 1.1.0 cats tropical guppies who continually breed
United Kingdom
139 Posts |
Posted - 25/03/2012 : 21:55:40
quote: Originally posted by tordyjo
because you all look at the pictures with the same enthusiam as i do
+1 on that comment  |
 0.1.0 Okeetee/caramel thumper 0.1.0 bearded dragon izzie 0.1.0 bci lola 0.0.1 hypno toad (albino horned toad) 0.1.0 king dr lecter
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1272 Posts |
Posted - 25/03/2012 : 22:11:25
All of the above. And because not all family members are awesome like me... |
 0.1.0 - Cat - Tallulah 0.0.1 - Carolina Corn Snake - Lilith |
our battery charger
United Kingdom
3063 Posts |
Posted - 25/03/2012 : 22:27:35
i can take the **** out people an not get hunted down an stalked easily |
0.1.0 creamsicle corn-Marmalade 1.0.0 jungle carpet python-Bumble 1.0.0 corn Casper
United Kingdom
935 Posts |
Sub Adult
1560 Posts |
Posted - 25/03/2012 : 23:28:03
quote: Originally posted by a33272
i can take the **** out people an not get hunted down an stalked easily
Probably my number one reason! Being in a different country than ALL of you for the win! |
 0.1 normal (Miami) - Hugo 0.1 hypo Motley - Spunky 0.1 MBK - Tequila. RIP Horses, bearded dragons, a red tailed boa constrictor, a tortoise, a cat and a dog |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
4334 Posts |
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 00:36:32
quote: Originally posted by Katie.Dublin
quote: Originally posted by a33272
i can take the **** out people an not get hunted down an stalked easily
Probably my number one reason! Being in a different country than ALL of you for the win!
Your just down the road from me, lol.
I like these forums because its like having hundreds of snakes but only having to look after 4 of them. Love the updates and pictures. |
Anery Corn snake SPOT. Royal Python, DUKE. Hogg Island Boa, SANKE. Albino House Snake, HAL. Harlequin Crested Gecko HARLEY Albino Horned Frog WAKA Chilean Rose Tarantula TRIXIE. Brazilian Salmon Pink Bird-eating Tarantula SAM. Orange Baboon Tarantula BORIS. Giant Asian Forest Scorpion, SALLY. Giant African Land Snails, SHELDON & MICHELLE. Budwing Mantis, MAIA Dubia Roach Colony. Silkworm Colony. Mealworm Colony. Waxworm Colony. Fruit Beetle Colony.
smart bunny
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
5091 Posts |
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 07:29:04
I love seeing everyone else's photos - even though it just makes me want more snakes lol! And as above - not many of my friends like snakes :( |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3556 Posts |
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 09:34:19
Who else can you discuss snake poo with lol |
4.1.0 corns - Izzy (Carolina) Alice (Amel) Peanut (Butter Motley) Swayze (Ghost) Carmellia (Butter Motley) 0.1.0 cat - Kizzy 1.0.0 Dog - Dobbie Location - Chesterfield, Derbyshire |
United Kingdom
391 Posts |
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 12:11:17
if ever im in a panic about any of my baby i know i can come on here and get some good help plus i know if i was to post something like seen my snake shed in a hole a far few would reply with good comments if i was to say that at hom my oh would only say something like "yer and" lol |
1.0 Caroliner - Ozzy 1.0 caramel Bloodred - Damon 0.1 sulfor - Stella 0.1 moonstone - letti 1.0 lavender - tazz 0.1 amber opal - salt 0.2 cats buffy & narla |
qeeun speler
United Kingdom
6129 Posts |
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 14:49:50
Tiffs do happen every now again on here though , spoecially about stats and cobabbing *whistle* |
A very special super, duper thanks for K :3 |
it is all my fault
United Kingdom
8403 Posts |
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 17:20:41
 these replies made me laugh! |
      0.1.0 Corn - Kellogs 1.0.0 Hognose - Storm 0.1.0 Staffy - Lyla 1.0.0 Spaffy(staffy x springer)-Spyro 1.0.0 Ferret - Peanut R.I.P 0.1.0 Crestie - Fudge. Wish List - Pygmy hedgehog. Tropiocolotes |
Sub Adult
United Kingdom
1315 Posts |
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 17:56:21
I like that there is experienced keepers and breeders passing on info to the noobs and anyone inbtween, so we can all learn something. And that people with similar morphs can compare pictures and see how their snakes can/will develop.
And the general chit chat! |

Aguna CB11 Anery - Typhon CB12 Amber - Plissken CB08 Carolina - Iara CB11 Caramel
Indra CB12 Lavender (?) - Evren CB12 Carolina (?) - Ophis CB11 Hypo Lavender - Sirae CB11 Ghost Motley
United Kingdom
391 Posts |
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 18:17:00
quote: Originally posted by Sta~ple
Tiffs do happen every now again on here though , spoecially about stats and cobabbing *whistle*
we never do that lmao |
1.0 Caroliner - Ozzy 1.0 caramel Bloodred - Damon 0.1 sulfor - Stella 0.1 moonstone - letti 1.0 lavender - tazz 0.1 amber opal - salt 0.2 cats buffy & narla |
Okeetee Mick
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
2308 Posts |
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 18:35:58
Luckily my wife is snake mad but friends aren't, I like to think I have many friends on here (even though we never meet) and enjoy the banter. |
0.1.0 Okeetee (Sookie) 0.1.0 Powder (Luna) 0.1.0 Bloodred (Arlene) 0.1.0 Caramel Stripe (Tara) 0.1.0 Ghost (Crystal) 0.1.0 Caramel (Jessica) 0.1.0 Lavender Stripe (Portia) 1.0.0 Platinum (Godric) 0.1.0 Thayers King (Lettie Mae) 0.1.0 Albino Blairs King (Lorena) 0.1.0 Russian Ratsnakes (Pam) 0.1.0 Korean Ratsnake (Katerina) 1.0.0 Russian Ratsnake (Lafayette)
United Kingdom
412 Posts |
Posted - 26/03/2012 : 23:26:31
im snakey maddd i love coming here to see how ppl look after there snakes ..i just can't seem to talk my OH into getting mats not lights he cant get it into his head lol ..... i can pop in here every day well more like three four or six times lol |
The Morph Master
United Kingdom
4335 Posts |
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