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United Kingdom
230 Posts

Posted - 01/10/2011 :  09:25:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Guys,

I have noticed that one of my corns seems to have a bit of moisture in one nostril. I have noticed this when she is giving me a hiss. I have not heard her weezing and there are no other sighs of an RI.

At first I thought it was because she had just taken a drink and dunked her head in the water but it is still there 2 days later.

Do you think a trip to the vets is in order?

Thanks in advance

Fully Grown Corn

United Kingdom
4494 Posts

Posted - 01/10/2011 :  10:06:53  Show Profile  Visit Mamma's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Moisture or mucas? If it doesnt seem to have gone after 2 days then perhaps a trip to the vets is in order.

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Queen Bee

United Kingdom
10455 Posts

Posted - 01/10/2011 :  13:41:37  Show Profile  Click to see gingerpony's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
increase the temps to 30-32*C, remove the cold hide (to encourage him to use the warm one) and mist 3-5 times a day (as often as possible really) to increase the humidity, preferably with F10 if you've got it

do this for a couple of days then reasses

snakes quite often stay in the coolest part of the viv to keep symptoms to a minimum, increasing the heat helps bring the infection 'to a head' and increasing the humidity helps loosen any sticky mucus further down the respiratory tract. F10 is an effective non-medicinal way of treating an RI and can also be nebulized

cornsnakes, ratsnakes, bullsnakes, boas and day geckos

Location:Leeds/York/Selby area
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United Kingdom
230 Posts

Posted - 01/10/2011 :  15:10:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the replies. It does look more like moisture than Mucas but without ever seing how a snake looks with an RI I can not be sure.

I have done what you have suggested GP. I don't have any F10 but have ordered some in so it should be here next week. Even if it turns out I don't need it in this case, I will get some in just for the future.

I think I'll reasses on Tuesday and if I still am not happy I'll book her in at the exotics vet.

Thanks Again

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