Hiya, first i need to describe the kind of mood my snake was in.. I was bathing her because of her shed (imagine 4ft wriggly powerful snake that wants tp be ANYWHERE but in any part of my bath tub) She was shedding which makes her very grumpy. And she has mites. She was one big demon of a snake and she even striked at me which she hasnt done for the whole two and a bit years ive had her. And as i was drying her (she happens to hate that too) she made a kind of noise that sounded like a short hiss. Thrn there was this terrible smell, it smelt of old things, damp things and mouldy things. Ive had it in my room before but assumed that it was my floorboards. I looked it up and aparently snakes musk when p****d off, and it smells "terrible". am i right to assume its musk? Just after the smell i noticed her vent had a small round lump just behind it, like a poo but smaller and more squished together. It had gone in a few minutes when i checked again. Is it musk? And how on earth do i get it out of my room!!??
musking is basically peeing in self-defence the hiss could have been a genuine 'leave me alone' or due to having a bit of water up her nose from being in the bath
cornsnakes, ratsnakes, bullsnakes, boas and day geckos