ive had my baby corn around 4 weeks and was about 8 weeks when i got him i kept him in the tank they gave me but recently bought a wooden viv which stated that it was for baby corns but all he does is hides when he was in the tank he came out at night but when i get up in the morning i sear he hasnt moved hes very active when i get him out hes eating great just wondered if the tank might be too big or some thing the tank is 587x375x405mm shall i try leaving him for a few days without handling
is what baby corns do, they are more active at dusk and dawn. He will more than likely be moving about when your sleeping. If hes eating and pooing all is good.
well he didnt poo for just over week so looked on here and took some advice and it worked hopefully he will settle and move about more think hes just trying to make me worry lol by him being in the same place in the morning when i get up lol