Thats not really taking into account the thermostat requirement, and as far as I know you dim the mains supply going into a thermostat the thermostat will fail to work. Using two dimmers in a circuit will cause you more problems than its worth. Habistat do a dimmer thermostat with a timer or a magic eye, gives you an idea of cost and what it does/how it works.
Anery Corn snake SPOT. Royal Python, DUKE. Hogg Island Boa, SANKE. Albino House Snake, HAL. Harlequin Crested Gecko HARLEY Albino Horned Frog WAKA Chilean Rose Tarantula TRIXIE. Brazilian Salmon Pink Bird-eating Tarantula SAM. Orange Baboon Tarantula BORIS. Giant Asian Forest Scorpion, SALLY. Giant African Land Snails, SHELDON & MICHELLE. Budwing Mantis, MAIA Dubia Roach Colony. Silkworm Colony. Mealworm Colony. Waxworm Colony. Fruit Beetle Colony.