i brought a microclimate ministat 100 but the instructions which came with it dont make much sense when you turn it anti clockwise to the temp u want how many degrees does the temp drop before it turns it self back on
2.0.0 corn snakes (Vinnie and Leo) 1.1.0 cats ( jayda and thomas)
Ditto on DB's posts. I have a Micro Climate, a Komodo and a Habistat and I found the Micro Climate to be the least accurate out of the three. The most accurate was the Habistat. But whichever stat you have just alter the stat dial until your temps read correctly on the thermometer. Sounds like mine are about the the same as DB's.
0.4.0 Gerbils (Gemini, Pica, Gerty and Sasha) 0.1.0 Leopard Gecko (Elle) 1.0.0 Carolina Corn Snake(Elijah) 0.0.1 Emperor/Imperial Scorpion (Abbi) 2.0.0 Roborovski Dwarf Hamsters (Micro & Chippy) Tropical fish - 6 Platys.6 Mollies.9 Glowlight Tetra.4 Pearl Gouramis.4 Apple Snails.1 Tiger Plec.2 Common Bristlenose Plecs and lots of babies.
I have Habistat mat stats and they are both accurate to within about .9 of a degree or so. The essential thing I found in setting them up was to have the stat probe attached (with rubber bands) to the probe of the thermometer and have them both laying flat on the surface of the mat. Doing it that way its very easy to tweak the stats and get them set to the right temp.
1.1.0 Amel Corns Colin and Xena 1.0.0 Dog Talan 1.1.0 Cats Wotsit and Willow 1.0.0 Ferret Chaos