I have just reserved a female Candy cane snake on preloved and I am going to breed her with my male Amel stripe Het Caramel, not sure if she has any hets. etc but I was wondering if anyone could give me a rough idea of what hatchlings I might get. Would it be half and half, or a mix of the two (Not even sure if that's even possible)
They would all be Amel het stripe 50% possible het caramel. They might be paler than an average amel, but unless you breed candycane x candycane you probably won't get any more because the 'regular amel' dilutes the selective breeding process and should put some orange back into the body colour.
Going to pick my girl up tomorrow, the advert doesn't say what breed she is as the picture isn't too clear on whether or not she is a candy cane or an amel This is the picture of her on the advert: (Sorry if I'm being a bit dense by asking this!):