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United Kingdom
606 Posts |
Posted - 12/04/2010 : 21:22:28
Saracen's been getting increasingly aggressive at feeding time - look what happened today .
 He hung on for ages. I must say I didn't feel anything at the time but it was a bit stingy afterwards ( ) and has swollen up in two lumps now where the evil-killer-death-fangs went in (sorry, got a little carried away then!)

My little girl was very worried about me - not . She said in a rather matter of fact way - 'Oh well, at least now we know where his teeth go. Whaaat? I'm interested, I like to know these things!'. My husband was a little more gallant and tried to rescue me but I had to tell him to back off as he was trying to pull Saracen's head away whilst the teeth were still firmly embedded in my flesh .
All in all, something of an ordeal and I think I'll have a little lie down now . Will I be OK to drive in the morning do you think?
Whoah, looks like one of the symptoms of snake bite is overkill on emoticons...... |
08 male Carolina Corn ‘Saracen’ 09 male Anery Corn ‘Twilight’ 08 male Rankins Dragon ‘Keydo’ |
Sub Adult
1135 Posts |
Posted - 12/04/2010 : 21:30:55
This is NOT a good topic for people who are afraid of picking up their snake with bare hands..! Now They will never get the gloves off!  |
441 Posts |
Posted - 12/04/2010 : 21:32:27
How did it happen? Was it feeding time and Saracen smelt mouse on your hand? |
Edited by - n/a on 12/04/2010 21:32:45 |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3070 Posts |
Posted - 12/04/2010 : 21:39:21
Casper bit me a few times at feeding time, or rather just after feeding time. Just not quite big enough to break the skin. |
0.0.1 Ghost Corn - Casper 0.0.1 Diffused Corn - Reggie 0.0.1 Amel Corn - Candy A.K.A Baby 1.0 Commom BCI - Rocky
0.1 Japanese Akita - Sasha
Location: Liverpool |

United Kingdom
64 Posts |
Posted - 12/04/2010 : 21:43:29
I don't think we need to handle Sookie - she can be a just nice to look at snake lol... |
United Kingdom
222 Posts |
Posted - 12/04/2010 : 21:43:39
of course people will take gloves off it all goes down to confidence in the end. If you are nervous am sure the snake may pick up on this it just getting the confidence gradually and carefully |
United Kingdom
606 Posts |
Posted - 12/04/2010 : 21:46:53
No mouse smell on me, I've been really careful to only touch the mouse with tongs after he bit my sleeve and tried to constrict my hand a little while ago. Last feed he was going a bit mental too as soon as I got him out of the viv - I thought maybe it was because I had just fed Twilight and he could smell that. This time I fed him first. The mouse was in the room and he decided to wrap around my spare hand. I'd nearly got him off me and then bam.
I'm going to buy him a plastic tub tomorrow. In future mousey stays downstairs until he's safely in a box with a lid on then I'll get the mouse and feed him in the box. Up until now he's fed in the open on a towel.
In all honesty though, it hasn't made me nervous. I really didn't feel anything at the time and it was more itchy than stingy afterwards. I'm quite proud that I've now been poo-ed on and tagged so I'm accepted into the real snake owners club! |
08 male Carolina Corn ‘Saracen’ 09 male Anery Corn ‘Twilight’ 08 male Rankins Dragon ‘Keydo’ |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3070 Posts |
Posted - 12/04/2010 : 22:00:14
I defrost the mouse in a plastic snadwhich tied just above the mouse and don't cut the bag untill the snakes are ready to be fed, otherwise they just snap into hunting mode. |
0.0.1 Ghost Corn - Casper 0.0.1 Diffused Corn - Reggie 0.0.1 Amel Corn - Candy A.K.A Baby 1.0 Commom BCI - Rocky
0.1 Japanese Akita - Sasha
Location: Liverpool |

United Kingdom
64 Posts |
Posted - 12/04/2010 : 22:19:20
This is all good advice for when we feed sookie for the first time - For a second thought how cool it would be to go to work (im a teacher) and say oh look at my snake bite - but then thought i wont say that out loud as i dont want to be bit really lol |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3070 Posts |
Posted - 12/04/2010 : 22:34:08
quote: Originally posted by Kazzaboobers
This is all good advice for when we feed sookie for the first time - For a second thought how cool it would be to go to work (im a teacher) and say oh look at my snake bite - but then thought i wont say that out loud as i dont want to be bit really lol
Casper was very nervous when i first get her and would strike at me and occasionaly tag me just from be putting my hand in her faun.
My brothers ghost Strike is still very wary and aggressive. My brother and my mum are both wusses and have give up trying to calm it so its now been handed to me to tame. |
0.0.1 Ghost Corn - Casper 0.0.1 Diffused Corn - Reggie 0.0.1 Amel Corn - Candy A.K.A Baby 1.0 Commom BCI - Rocky
0.1 Japanese Akita - Sasha
Location: Liverpool |
Edited by - DannyBrown91 on 12/04/2010 22:34:54 |
The Corn Snake Moderator
United Kingdom
5491 Posts |
Posted - 12/04/2010 : 22:38:21
might be a bit food defensive? iv seen it in dogs but dont know if snakes can be the same.. nice wounds though  |
2.0 Normal Royal Pythons - Q and Little One 1.0 Chihauhaun Mountain Kingsnake - Simba

qeeun speler
United Kingdom
6129 Posts |
Posted - 12/04/2010 : 23:27:13
Maybe it was an hontest mistake. When trying to put a mouse into a viv or take away what the mouse was on one of mine have bitten me. Doesn't hurt just more of a shock. |
A very special super, duper thanks for K :3 |
United Kingdom
606 Posts |
Posted - 13/04/2010 : 07:21:39
quote: nice wounds though
Thanks Hannah! I put the pics up for a laugh really and never for one minute intended to make anyone nervous about feeding their snakes. Twilight I have had from a baby and is really relaxed and I can do anything with him. Saracen I bought from a previous owner only a short while ago and has always been a little bit twitchy. He's calmed down a lot but at feeding time the insticts kick in and he goes for whatever moves. It's not his fault, I just have to be a little more careful about how I feed him to ensure that the only thing which moves near him once the mouse has been introduced is the mouse and not part of me!
I really must reitterate that it did not hurt at all. I didn't even jump. I was just like, oh look at that, I have a snake on my hand!! |
08 male Carolina Corn ‘Saracen’ 09 male Anery Corn ‘Twilight’ 08 male Rankins Dragon ‘Keydo’ |
Fully Grown Corn
United Kingdom
3556 Posts |
Posted - 13/04/2010 : 08:21:58
Well done on your introduction to the snake owners club. I am still waiting to become a fully fledged member thankfully.
I have to say, even after your photos and story I would still take a snake bite over a hamster bite. And I'm certainly more confident putting my hand into the snakes viv than I was my old rabbits cage - that thing was evil. |
4.1.0 corns - Izzy (Carolina) Alice (Amel) Peanut (Butter Motley) Swayze (Ghost) Carmellia (Butter Motley) 0.1.0 cat - Kizzy 1.0.0 Dog - Dobbie Location - Chesterfield, Derbyshire |
the nice one
United Kingdom
7308 Posts |
Posted - 14/04/2010 : 04:56:48
To be honest I dont think new owners have much to worry about !! All your thread has done Sammy is to show them firstly how little a bite hurts and secondly to be careful about introducing the smell of the mouse into the vicinity of the snake before you have got it to where you want to feed it!! They can learn from your mistakes rather than be scared off by them!
It certainly does sound as though Saracen does have a real feeding instinct and just has to smell a mouse nearby for him to get feisty enough to bite. Not all snakes are like that and I think it is definitely less of a problem if you have had the snake from a baby, like you did with Twilight.
I love your daughter's reaction though ! As for pulling Saracen off, you did the right thing stopping your OH from doing it. If a snake doesnt let go immediately you can try dripping a bit of water on its head and that is sometimes enough to encourage it to detach.
'Whoah, looks like one of the symptoms of snake bite is overkill on emoticons...... ' I do hope you recover from your shock and that your emotions come under control soon were obviously so overwrought that you couldnt even spell emotions !
don't say the 'M' word!
United Kingdom
2901 Posts |
Posted - 14/04/2010 : 06:42:35
Tis a good bite for sure! To be honest, he was probably having a heroic moment, usually they don't go for food that's too large, but occasionally the excitement is just too much! For those who wish to join the club, I have a 4ft boa that is very aggressive, open mouth hissing, striking the lot, anyone feeling brave? I would take a bite off any of my snakes over a hamster or rat, been bitten by both and its unpleasant to say the least. Saying that, I haven't been done by my big stuff, so I might change my tune! Bites at feeding time are the most common, their instict is to grab what moves, mouse smell or not. The safest way is by using tongs, I have a set of 12 inch ones, and even that doesn't keep me safe from the carpets! Well, if my boa gets me, I will post a pic, saying that she had me once, I had gloves on, she came out, stopped hissing and being grumpy, so I figured she was ok, she went up my hand and as soon as she went past the glove she bit my arm, sneaky b****!
Oh, something I heard the other day, if your snake is being aggressive, tapping or hitting its head doesn't help! Someone did that with a big anaconda, he won't again! |
Location : Worthing, West Sussex
United Kingdom
606 Posts |
Posted - 14/04/2010 : 10:26:45
quote: you were obviously so overwrought that you couldnt even spell emotions
I thought emoticons was the name for the little smiley/scowly etc faces we put on to emphasise the feeling behind the words we type - know what I mean      Oh, by the way Ju, have you been getting any emails from me over the past few weeks? Not chasing, just checking they've got through.
Mike, I do have feeding tongs but they were with the mouse which was a couple of feet away from the snake at the time! I was trying to get him settled before bringing the mouse closer to feed him! Glad I'm already in the club now so I don't have to take you up on that offer of wrestling with your boa . |
08 male Carolina Corn ‘Saracen’ 09 male Anery Corn ‘Twilight’ 08 male Rankins Dragon ‘Keydo’ |
don't say the 'M' word!
United Kingdom
2901 Posts |
Posted - 14/04/2010 : 11:14:30
Lol, its always the time when we think we are prepared, then something happens, you think, 'i'll just.........' BANG! 'Maybe I won't then.......' Don't worry, I wouldn't let anyone near her without gloves, if I won't take a tag from her, then I wouldn't expect anyone else to either, unless you want to of course, but then maybe a hospital appointment is more apt, specifically the psyc ward! She's got a good set of teeth on her, and she's very strong, and to top it oof, she ain't shy about proving it! |
Location : Worthing, West Sussex
the nice one
United Kingdom
7308 Posts |
Posted - 15/04/2010 : 04:40:32
quote: Originally posted by Sammysnake
quote: you were obviously so overwrought that you couldnt even spell emotions
I thought emoticons was the name for the little smiley/scowly etc faces we put on to emphasise the feeling behind the words we type - know what I mean      Oh, by the way Ju, have you been getting any emails from me over the past few weeks? Not chasing, just checking they've got through...........
Ok, my brain fog moment ....thought you had just spelt emotions wrong considering your emotional state , but I think you are right about emoticons being !!!! My apologies!
Last email received was few weeks ago regarding your daughter....have kept meaning to reply but am afraid the world is passing me by too quickly at the moment to deal with stuff as too much going on - but you are not forgotten and I have so much to tell you!
Mike - quite happy to stay a 'fake' owner rather than face your boa !
don't say the 'M' word!
United Kingdom
2901 Posts |
Posted - 15/04/2010 : 06:11:18
I don't blame you judith, I don't put my hand in there without a glove! |
Location : Worthing, West Sussex
United Kingdom
958 Posts |
Posted - 15/04/2010 : 10:13:05
I've never work gloves, but it never occured to me that I should. The only time she's ever rattled at me is when I went in to change her water yesterday, I must have startled her!
@Mike - why would anyone 'tap' a snake on the head and expect a positive response? who came up with that? (if someone tonked me on the noggin I'd get grumpy as hell!)
(oh yeah off topic, Gav said he'd been talking to you about getting Gecko's! If he does, it'll end up being a gadget gecko! )
 1.0.0 - Gobo - Snow Corn (RIP) 0.1.0 - Sprockett - Normal/hypo/het snow Corn
2.0.0 Anery Hatchlings 0.1.0 Amel Hatchling 0.1.0 Normal Hatchling
*Location - Southampton, UK* |
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