Wondering how safe it is to try an pop a 6-7 week old corn with no experience.
I guess I'll leave it to the pro's in a couple of months. They probed it in the shop and the pin went down three scales which apparently could indicate its a girl, but desperate to name the little blighter
0.1.0 Anery Corn(Noodle) 0.0.1 Spur Thighed Tortoise (Melvin) 1.0.0 Cat (Titus) 0.0.2 Fish (Caractacus and ThunderCleese)
Also in my care (temporarily): 1.0.0 Baird's Rat (Murphy) 0.1.0 Butter Corn (Molly)
i would of said a girl at 3 scales any more then i would sway more towards a boy,worth waiting until the a bit bigger then the probing is more accurate.Oh and i would'nt pop it unless you know your doing.
if you get to 5 scales that's a grey area.......... 3 should definitely be a girl. you could always ask them to probe her again (but don't tell them it was 3 scales last time lol)
cornsnakes, ratsnakes, bullsnakes, boas and day geckos Location:Leeds/York/Selby area