Since setting up my glass viv i cannot get the temps right. I have thinned the substrate out to about 5mm but can only get a temp of about 76 degrees.Would it be ok to put the heat mat inside and just cover it with substrate.
I have the smallest amount of substrate around the top of my mat, literally enough so it just covers it and when the snake goes over it it exposes glass usually. My temps are perfect. Which heatmat do you use and are you using a digi thermometer? If so, where is your probe?
0.0.1 Anery corn 0.1.0 German Shepherd Dog [Tauni] 1.0.0 Tawny Ocicat [Rufio]
I have a habistsat heat mat which is on a thermostat. I have two digital thermometers in there at the moment, one probe is bluetacked to the glass in the center off the heat mat and one is resting on top off the substrate.