I have has Marmalade for 10 days now. He seems to be settling in OK. He has eaten a fuzzy no problem, as recommended by the pet shop where I got him. They could not tell me exactly how old he is. They told me he was probably a "few" months old. He is approximately 50 grammes in weight and about 20 inches long. He also seems quite happy being handled by myself and my grand children, he certainly hasn`t tried to bite any of us.
Can anyone make an educated guess using this info as to how old Marmalade is?
weight and length at a young age can vary greatly according to what they've been fed. some breeders/shops keep them on a maintenance diet - enough food to survive but not to grow - so they stay smaller for longer. compare that to another youngster the same age that's been well fed, it could be twice the size! but i'd guess at around 6 months old ISH!
cornsnakes, ratsnakes, bullsnakes, boas and day geckos