Well I fed him 3 fluffs on tuesday see how he would do as he hadnt been fed for 2 weeks previously due to me not being in the country and he has 2 fluffs weekly
so fed him 3. normally his buldge wouldv'e dissappeared by now but it hasn't.
Ooh also I think because of that picture I posted would be a good one to use for my question; the 25th and 26th from head downwards er.. not sure whatt theyr'e calleed but the collection of black scales are like.. getting a grey line of scales between them,
I had this strange idea that the scale collections would "split" and move down his body as he grows.
Maybe its just a variation in scale colour, ideas?
Since I've handled it after a week, I've picked mine up every day at least once a day for 5-10 mins. Seems to enjoy and likes coiling tightly and intertwining on my fingers then resting the head on the top of my hand lol. I want to bath it! I might start doing that.
0.0.1 Anery corn 0.1.0 German Shepherd Dog [Tauni] 1.0.0 Tawny Ocicat [Rufio]