I bought this lovely 6 month old Merauke yesterday. It's about 12" long at the moment but will reach between 20" and 30"+
and the viv it's currently in, I'm swapping the aspen for Orchid bark as soon as it arrives as although BTS keepers recommend aspen, I was told last night by someone who has kept reptiles for 39 years that they've seen reptiles die from swallowing it. The viv is 4ft x 18.5" so obviously I will need to upgrade as it grows.
Merauke Blue Tongue Skink | Yemen Chameleon | Tokay Gecko | Ghost Corn | Pinstripe Corn | Royal Python | Mexican Black King | Speckled King | Black & White Banded Cali King | Sonoran Cross Dwarf Boa | Western Hognose | Rainbow Crab | Tiger Oscar, Green Severum, Silver Dollars, Ornate Bichir & Synodontis.