T O P I C R E V I E W |
gingerpony |
Posted - 25/04/2011 : 08:37:13 i don't know how many other breeders keep track of any of the offspring their snakes produce but i try to (especially as i'm only a hobbyist breeder). i've recently found out that 3 of the hatchies i raised 2 years ago have died  and worse still, all seemingly due to neglect from their respective owners  i'm pretty upset about the circumstances that lead to their deaths, and really P'ed off that these people appeared to be responsible owners but knowlingly neglected these snakes and ultimately killed them 
and i tell you what, it's really putting me off breeding anything (though it's too late this season). i think anything i breed in the future will be sold to a pet shop so i won't hear the horror stories.........ignorance is bliss!  |
8 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Mole |
Posted - 26/04/2011 : 00:01:32 It must be really upsetting to hear of the circumstances surrounding your babies demise especially when such a lot of love and dedication is invested in them from mating to incubating to hatching to seperating it must be a bum wrap for you |
Mort13 |
Posted - 25/04/2011 : 22:53:42 Oh no,that must be heart breaking and very frustrating too. I do have to say its one of the things that puts me off the idea of breeding. I'd be so worried about the babies being looked after properly. As someone who's bought 3 of my snakes from breeders and one from a user on here,I've always let the breeder/original owner know I've got the snake home safely and once its fed and shed then I let them know its done so and how happy I am with it. Thats because I know that if I was letting an animal go to someone I'd want to know it was doing well. I'm sure the majority of people are the same. At the end of the day,you've done your bit. Provided good care for them and thought they'd gone to good,caring homes.Theres nothing more you can do,or could have done. Just try to think of the success stories. |
kdlang |
Posted - 25/04/2011 : 15:38:50 I am so sorry to hear that hun. The problem is that however careful we are we can never be certain what the future will hold. We can only do what we think is best at the time. Just keep in mind all the homings that have been successful and that you have bred some healthy snakes and given them the best chance you can. And I am eternally grateful to you for Swayze, although if he doesn't stop trying to escape while I'm changing his water he is going to end up getting a bowl dropped on him grr |
Invalid User |
Posted - 25/04/2011 : 11:24:13 That sucks but is one of the downsides of breeding :(
I bred rabbits for a while and was very careful who the babies went to but there is only so much you can do. I was given all the details of the new owners but never stayed in contact as I really wanted to just leave it knowing I had done the best I could to find them nice homes and whatever happened next was out of my hands.
Ailsa |
Posted - 25/04/2011 : 11:10:33 Aww that is really sad to hear, no wonder your upset, hugs to you. |
Mamma |
Posted - 25/04/2011 : 09:44:43 hugs to you. That is awful. |
ozziesmum |
Posted - 25/04/2011 : 09:12:56 Ah bless you, sadly not everyone is what they seem to be and that is not your fault, you handed your babies over in good faith that they were going to knowledgeable caring homes sadly this is not always the case but don't let what has sadly happened stop you doing what you enjoy. I sometimes worry about constantly asking questions on here for advice from all of you experienced owners and breeders when I have a problem but after reading your post I now know it is the right thing to do as I do care deeply about my 2 and the day I took them in was the day it became my responsibility as an owner to make sure they are happy and healthy. |
Red123 |
Posted - 25/04/2011 : 09:00:17 I do feel sorry for you GP. I use to breed alot of rabbits had 30 does and 5 bucks at one time. I stopped breeding because of all the horror stories, fly strike etc, and it does make you feel responible for those animals when you find out that the owners were not all that they seemed. I think people tell you what they think you want to here and in reality it is mostly rubbish. Like you say pet shops are easier to sell to as you havwe no knowledge of where they will end up. Sometimes if you think about it that is even worse though with how some pet shops are. I don't breed any animals now and never will in the future, there are just so many in rescues and advertised as not wanted. If less people bred their pets there would be less in rescue centres and and those that are would stand more of a chance of finding a loving home. @ GP - Sorry if I have gone on a bit but I have very strong feelings on this and this is in no way a dig at you:) |