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T O P I C    R E V I E W
danny28490 Posted - 21/02/2011 : 22:38:13
tango just took a big **** on my leg nice.....and what was the good part of owning snakes again?
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mikerichards Posted - 22/02/2011 : 02:03:24
Originally posted by CentricMalteser

Yep that is true

and the thing is, if you have Snow or pale corn, you can see it close to it's cloaca, but don't think too much until they constrict and just shoot it out lmao
Originally posted by lotabob

Yeah I dont follow the 48 hour rule, I follow the 48 hours + wait for the poo rule (at least 2 days maybe 3), once he has gone for a poop the risk of smelly fingers is reduced though not totally gone, they always have a special reserve dump for special occasions.

That is also only true for young snakes, once they mature, they lose the opaqueness of the skin, and then you cannot see it.
gmac Posted - 22/02/2011 : 02:01:00
Originally posted by CentricMalteser

Yep that is true

and the thing is, if you have Snow or pale corn, you can see it close to it's cloaca, but don't think too much until they constrict and just shoot it out lmao

Originally posted by lotabob

Yeah I dont follow the 48 hour rule, I follow the 48 hours + wait for the poo rule (at least 2 days maybe 3), once he has gone for a poop the risk of smelly fingers is reduced though not totally gone, they always have a special reserve dump for special occasions.

you can tell on all snakes when they are ready to go, the shape is a dead giveaway, so not true just for light coloured snakes
CentricMalteser Posted - 22/02/2011 : 01:03:45
Yep that is true

and the thing is, if you have Snow or pale corn, you can see it close to it's cloaca, but don't think too much until they constrict and just shoot it out lmao

Originally posted by lotabob

Yeah I dont follow the 48 hour rule, I follow the 48 hours + wait for the poo rule (at least 2 days maybe 3), once he has gone for a poop the risk of smelly fingers is reduced though not totally gone, they always have a special reserve dump for special occasions.

kdlang Posted - 21/02/2011 : 23:47:59
If I waited til they pooed Id hardly ever handle them lol. Peanuts favourite trick is to wait until I have put him into his feeding tub and then have a huge smelly dump before eating his mousy - a kind of empty then fill up again. How he can stand to eat when trapped in a tub that smells like that i will never understand
Sta~ple Posted - 21/02/2011 : 22:54:14
Least he poos on your leg, not his meal.
danny28490 Posted - 21/02/2011 : 22:50:31
Originally posted by lotabob

Yeah I dont follow the 48 hour rule, I follow the wait for the poo rule, once he has gone for a poop the risk of smelly fingers is reduced though not totally gone, they always have a special reserve dump for special occasions.

that rule seems good to me.
lotabob Posted - 21/02/2011 : 22:49:29
Yeah I dont follow the 48 hour rule, I follow the 48 hours + wait for the poo rule (at least 2 days maybe 3), once he has gone for a poop the risk of smelly fingers is reduced though not totally gone, they always have a special reserve dump for special occasions.
danny28490 Posted - 21/02/2011 : 22:49:28
i know i know..... but took the advice of the guy in the pet shop( i know silly me ) said its fine after 24 hours... guessing i'm going back to following the 48 hours rule.
mikerichards Posted - 21/02/2011 : 22:47:43
shoulda waited the 48 hours after feeding!!!!!
danny28490 Posted - 21/02/2011 : 22:44:45
well serves me right tbh fed him on sunday and normally the lump has gone over night but this time didn't and was abit worried so picked him up he seems more friendly then normal and then took a dump on me
lotabob Posted - 21/02/2011 : 22:42:37
I saw the title and just knew someone had just been given their badge of honour.
stotty01 Posted - 21/02/2011 : 22:39:54
your now christened xD

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