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 left mice at work

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ben11 Posted - 21/02/2011 : 10:34:12
Hey guys i got some mice delivered on Friday and i left them in my office fridge over the weekend.. oops.. will they still be ok? Cheers.
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tehbunneh Posted - 22/02/2011 : 18:17:33
I have to say, I can get 50 pinkies for a £10 at my local rep shop ^^''
CentricMalteser Posted - 22/02/2011 : 18:09:46
You missed my point

my point being is that if you dont care or cant invest properly to look after your snake, then give it to someone who will otherwise ul end up killing it,

where as if you feel your snake means the world to you and ur best friend so to speak thewn you should spend money on new pinkies

Originally posted by Louise32

Originally posted by CentricMalteser

you said that they were in the fridge overnight, so the mice wont be frozen and will rot from inside out, because of the guts

and its not wasting them, you have to think how much your snake means to your versus a fiver for 10 pinkies,

so if you think you snake is only worth a fiver then use the probably rotten ones,

if u think he is worth more then get some new ones

Originally posted by ben11

ahh no way i am well skint. When i got them home the ice packs were still frozen.. the mice were hard (could still be frozen inside)?? i really dont want to waste them if i dont have too. Thanks

I think you will find it's probably more than a fivers worth of pinkies! Most online orders cost £10 just for delivery.

Ben, were they in the fridge or in one of those freezer sections in the top of the fridge? If it was just a fridge I wouldn't risk it.

Invalid User Posted - 22/02/2011 : 17:58:13
Originally posted by CentricMalteser

you said that they were in the fridge overnight, so the mice wont be frozen and will rot from inside out, because of the guts

and its not wasting them, you have to think how much your snake means to your versus a fiver for 10 pinkies,

so if you think you snake is only worth a fiver then use the probably rotten ones,

if u think he is worth more then get some new ones

Originally posted by ben11

ahh no way i am well skint. When i got them home the ice packs were still frozen.. the mice were hard (could still be frozen inside)?? i really dont want to waste them if i dont have too. Thanks

I think you will find it's probably more than a fivers worth of pinkies! Most online orders cost £10 just for delivery.

Ben, were they in the fridge or in one of those freezer sections in the top of the fridge? If it was just a fridge I wouldn't risk it.
CentricMalteser Posted - 22/02/2011 : 17:52:14
you said that they were in the fridge overnight, so the mice wont be frozen and will rot from inside out, because of the guts

and its not wasting them, you have to think how much your snake means to your versus a fiver for 10 pinkies,

so if you think you snake is only worth a fiver then use the probably rotten ones,

if u think he is worth more then get some new ones

Originally posted by ben11

ahh no way i am well skint. When i got them home the ice packs were still frozen.. the mice were hard (could still be frozen inside)?? i really dont want to waste them if i dont have too. Thanks

ben11 Posted - 22/02/2011 : 14:47:44
ahh no way i am well skint. When i got them home the ice packs were still frozen.. the mice were hard (could still be frozen inside)?? i really dont want to waste them if i dont have too. Thanks
lotabob Posted - 21/02/2011 : 18:33:01
They may look fine on the outside but they have not been gutted, the guts are all still in there, including anything they have eaten they rot from the inside. I'd write the whole lot off as a bad job and start again.
mikerichards Posted - 21/02/2011 : 16:53:25
As soon as the dearest they start to rot, if I was you I would be very cautious where you open the box. I certainly wouldn't feed them to a snake.
matty18714 Posted - 21/02/2011 : 16:50:47
I would probably bin them, though I know its a pain if there are a lot.
ben11 Posted - 21/02/2011 : 11:55:11
tbh they are never frozen by the time they arrive.. they are still sealed in the polystyrene in the fridge so i doubt they are rotting.. hmmm...
tehbunneh Posted - 21/02/2011 : 11:30:40
Um... possibly not o.o'' Depending on how many you have in there, they will no longer be frozen, and you really shouldn't refreeze. Some may be ok, but if you have a lot, you will probably find they will start to rot before you can given them to your snakes. I'd keep a few aside in the fridge at home, and bin the rest x.x That's such a bummer though! I hope no one at the office is too freaked out by that!! Potential lunch thieves beware, eh? LOL!

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