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 Think I've got a greedy snake

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Newbie Posted - 16/02/2011 : 21:11:49
Hi all,

Just fed Vin, since starting to feed him in his faun he eats much better and tonight he was straight out to see his pinkie, grabbed it and tried to run off with it, sure he swallowed some substrate as well quite worried it'll harm him.

After swallowing his pinkie, he zoomed back to his "plate" and started nosying around. Is he wanting more? I would've sworn the pinkie he ate was leaving a satisfying enough lump and I definately wouldn't want to upgrade to anything bigger, but when do you start feeding two? He's only 18 weeks old
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
thistle Posted - 17/02/2011 : 01:43:09
Barnaby does the same after finishing a mouse, ever hopeful that another is going to miraculously appear in front of him. Lol!

It is amazing to watch him eat, I find it astounding that he can fit his mouth around a small mouse, especially as he's only 7mths old at the most.
n/a Posted - 16/02/2011 : 22:22:29
Mine were the same last night, they get outside the viv and their normally savage feeders. Thankfully never had them burst the mice YET lol.

Once back in their viv they spend quite some time searching for mice - bit like their on an Easter Egg hunt but then i think they realise they smell food on themselves and have a wash their water then do their normal trick of curling up in their hide on hot side for about 36 hrs. (its something to see 2 5 ft corns having a bath)
lotabob Posted - 16/02/2011 : 21:53:23
As long as the mouse at it thickest point is no bigger than 1.5 times the thicness of your snake at its thickest point.

Its incredible watching them eat, truely amazes me each and every time. I've just got a royal and he has just started eating so I get double helpings of amazement every week. Spot is just using up whats left of his small fuzzies and going up to bigger fuzzies, I'm lucky that my rep shop has a range of mice at every possible size and will let me choose my own out of the boxes. I didn't need to worry about double feeding either.
Newbie Posted - 16/02/2011 : 21:37:10
I can't wait! I was holding my breath while he ate, I was sure he'd choke, they seem so big for him! Nothing smaller thou
lotabob Posted - 16/02/2011 : 21:34:44
For now but it wont be long before he moves up, they grow fast.
Newbie Posted - 16/02/2011 : 21:27:41
Thanks Lota, he'll just have to do with one then
lotabob Posted - 16/02/2011 : 21:16:04
They are opportunist feeders and would be able to smell the residual scent of the mouse on the tray and would come back to investigate. If there is a good sized lump don't be giving any more food, you really dont want a regurge. You only feed more when there is hardly any lump in the stomach.

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