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 first feed done, when should I feed next?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
esox Posted - 16/02/2011 : 21:08:54
just fed my corn for the first time tonight after leaving him for the last week to get used to his rub, took two pinkies no probs, even though he didnt really like being handled out of his rub. thought I might have a job getting him to feed but it took all of 2 seconds, he wanted the pinkie as soon as he seen it and the next one too.

the shop I got him from told me he was on two pinkies and said he would move up to fuzzies in a few weeks, just wondering how often I should be feeding him the two pinkies? will once a week be ok? I forgot to ask the shop how often he was fed.

cheers for any advice you can give me.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
testdasi Posted - 16/02/2011 : 22:04:48
Originally posted by esox

just fed my corn for the first time tonight after leaving him for the last week to get used to his rub, took two pinkies no probs, even though he didnt really like being handled out of his rub. thought I might have a job getting him to feed but it took all of 2 seconds, he wanted the pinkie as soon as he seen it and the next one too.

the shop I got him from told me he was on two pinkies and said he would move up to fuzzies in a few weeks, just wondering how often I should be feeding him the two pinkies? will once a week be ok? I forgot to ask the shop how often he was fed.

cheers for any advice you can give me.


Once a week is common feeding schedule. Expect your corn to poop once a week as well.
And you should not handle in the next 48 hours after feeding. And try not to make a big comotion as well. Basically too much stress will cause the snake to regurg.
herriotfan Posted - 16/02/2011 : 21:56:19
Like gmac say's once a week is fine. Have you read that they mustn't be handled for 48 hours after feeding to allow the mouse to digest? Glad he ate ok for you.
gmac Posted - 16/02/2011 : 21:10:56
congrats and once a week is fine

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