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squiggy88 Posted - 16/02/2011 : 11:07:40
ok so i noticed in some pics on the net and websites and forums etc ppl letting there snakes out in the garden.......can u really do this ? will they not go missing?

and ppl also letting them roam there house for an hour on the royal python forum? my snakes only come out for like 10-15mins a night unless they have been fed

id like them out more

p.s sorry for being a daft girl and not knowing much :P
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Katie.Dublin Posted - 16/02/2011 : 19:44:34
Originally posted by Kehhlyr

Letting it roam freely or letting it have a wander about while supervised is 2 totally different things.
Most of mine have had a wander in the garden, but i'm always ready with my hands to grab them before they go somewhere they shouldn't.

I agree, once you are hoverring over them you're grand!
Kehhlyr Posted - 16/02/2011 : 16:52:31
Letting it roam freely or letting it have a wander about while supervised is 2 totally different things.
Most of mine have had a wander in the garden, but i'm always ready with my hands to grab them before they go somewhere they shouldn't.
Sta~ple Posted - 16/02/2011 : 12:47:13
I'd never let a snake free roam, that would be incredibly dumb! Unless it's like a massive snake with like nothing in that room.

I've had my snakes outside and as Lou said, it was for photoshoots because there is no better light than real sun light :p when I did do this, it was adults only, made sure no cats where about and I was always, always near them so that I could easily grab them if the decided to venture NEAR any poo I hadn't seen and bushes. It also stops predators like birds coming down. After I did have them in the garden, my b/f really guilted me and I felt bad afterwards as something bad still could have happen because of he amount of cats here.
herriotfan Posted - 16/02/2011 : 11:41:32
I'd only consider it with an adult that you know is a slow mover!
squiggy88 Posted - 16/02/2011 : 11:40:25
haha that wud be a sight like also a mega worrier id prob pick him up and be like eerrrrrr na i dernt haha thanks for the advice tho
Invalid User Posted - 16/02/2011 : 11:37:43
lol, sorry it is obvious but I only say it as I know it has happened and the person lost their snake!

I really don't know if it would be ok with an adult corn. It's not something I even knew people did tbh. I have seen a few pics of snakes outside on grass but I just thought they were for photo shoots. I'm a bit of a worrier and I would be too scared to do it.....oh and I just thought, I don't have a garden and might get funny looks taking my snakes to the local park hahaha :)
squiggy88 Posted - 16/02/2011 : 11:32:52
o god no i wouldnt let me baby corn out haha id never catch the bugger....i have a 4 n a half foot corn is this too small to be letting out plus in the market for a royle but havent found the right one yet so that wud obv be a fair size
Invalid User Posted - 16/02/2011 : 11:30:15
I think it would also depend on the age and the type of snake but it's not something I have ever done.

I would guess an adult royal is not really going to go very far or very fast if you let it have a wander round a room in the house.

I woild never let a hatchling/small snake loose in the house/garden.
squiggy88 Posted - 16/02/2011 : 11:26:16
hahaha i may give this a go in summer haha god knows how it will pan out
a33272 Posted - 16/02/2011 : 11:15:58
its just like when ya take kids to the park ya keep an eye on them like a hawk so ya know where they are lol

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