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ilovemypets1988 Posted - 13/02/2011 : 15:12:45
hi all, just wondering if corns need uva/uvb bulbs as ive been told that they do but im not so certain tbh, as im thinking of puting a moonlight blue flourescent coloured bulb in my new tank as it already has the fittings for flourescent bulbs.
any help would be greatful.
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testdasi Posted - 13/02/2011 : 21:26:33
Originally posted by ilovemypets1988

hi all, just wondering if corns need uva/uvb bulbs as ive been told that they do but im not so certain tbh, as im thinking of puting a moonlight blue flourescent coloured bulb in my new tank as it already has the fittings for flourescent bulbs.
any help would be greatful.

AFAIK, corn snakes do not need UV.
And you don't exactly need lights in the tank to view them either. My Amel is very photogenic and is out even when the room lights are on so no need viewing lights. The creamsicle is lazy and will just hide all the time so you can only see him with torch light shining into the hides. My motley thinks he's a tree snake so he "hides" on the vines close to the top of the faun, seriously almost like a tree python.
Kehhlyr Posted - 13/02/2011 : 21:10:37
Originally posted by Louise32

It will be years before your snake is ready for a 4ft tank!

If ever.
Invalid User Posted - 13/02/2011 : 17:50:01
It will be years before your snake is ready for a 4ft tank!
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 13/02/2011 : 17:23:42
ive just bought a 4ft tank and the flourescent light comes with the tank as it a juwel fish tank and im setting it up over a long period of time and im just getting information on things atm
Kehhlyr Posted - 13/02/2011 : 16:34:11
Also, seeing as your snake is only little and in a tiny faun you could just light it with a 5 quid torch with mains adaptor/charger from somewhere like maplin.
a33272 Posted - 13/02/2011 : 16:28:09
flouresent isnt good in a snake viv as it flickers at a high hz that we cant really see we debated this a few years ago.
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 13/02/2011 : 15:30:56
i know, i burnt myself after my m8`s bulb was on for only 5 mins, so i wouldnt even take the chance of having a snake in a tank without a guard and believe me, theres gunna be no way the snake will beable to get to the bulb as im gunna seal the tube in as theres an access flap for it above.
scubadude Posted - 13/02/2011 : 15:27:55
quite a few people seem to use the moonlight bulbs so they can view their snakes at night, without disturbing the snakes normal, daytime/nightime cycle. And yep don't forget the guard.
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 13/02/2011 : 15:22:30
so it will be ok to put the blue bulb in then (obviously with a guard as i know how hot these tubes get)
scubadude Posted - 13/02/2011 : 15:18:08
Hi, Snakes do not require UV lighting to stay healthy in captivity.

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