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T O P I C    R E V I E W
testdasi Posted - 06/02/2011 : 09:12:28
Are corn snakes becoming less active as they get older?
I put up my night vision camera last night again and the bigger snake spent barely 45 minutes exploring while the smaller ones were constanly pacing around.

Previously when I only have 1 snake, my digital thermometer reads 89-ish (probe on top of 1cm substrate) while I set the stat at 84 (probe on <0.5cm substrate) and the snake prefered the cool side.
Now I have 3 snakes, the same therm reads 84-ish (probe inside the hide, on top of floor) while I set the stat at 88 (probe on top of floor) and the snakes prefer the warm side.
Should I be concerned or change anything?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
testdasi Posted - 08/02/2011 : 19:16:30
Thanks guys! I just wanted to make sure everything is alright. Fed my Amel just now and she ate fine which is great! And the fat one just moved from the warm side to the cool side (and is sleeping right now!).

I'm still trying to figure out a good feeding schedule so that I always have at least 1 snake handle-able.
Invalid User Posted - 08/02/2011 : 13:33:57
I have 5 corns all under 2 years old and 4 of them are active morning and evening but hide away the rest of the time.

1 of them is much more active and I see her quite a few times during the day just having a little mooch around :)

I guess they are all different.
herriotfan Posted - 08/02/2011 : 12:46:18
Adult snakes are normally slower than hatchlings, although this shouldn't be mistaken for being less active. Adult snakes can be very active. It all depends on the individual snake.
n/a Posted - 08/02/2011 : 11:26:23
I have 2 female adult corns - 10 yrs old and they both fluctuate between been seriously manically active to completly lazy devils. They are currently enjoying a hollow log way too much for my liking. I need a shoe horn to get them out lol
FiestaSTLou Posted - 08/02/2011 : 11:00:50
All snakes are different, some are riggly buggers and some are lazy :D lmao
lotabob Posted - 06/02/2011 : 12:09:52
1) Hatchlings are more active than adult snakes.

2) More information about your setup is needed on this, no way of knowing what the problem is or if there is one.

(gets out converter to read oldtimer temps)

89oF (32oC) is bordering on too hot. I aim for a gradient of 68oF (20oC) in the cold end to 82oF (28oC) in the hot end. Other than that if you give more info about your setup I'm sure we will be able to help.

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