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 eye colouring

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Red123 Posted - 01/02/2011 : 15:31:29
Do all ghost corn have blue/grey eyes? Does the eye colour change as they grow from hatchling? And do anery corns all have brown eyes? Just not sure on Keiths morph. Thought he was an anery but he has changed colour so much over the last 2 sheds I am beginning to wonder. He is coming up for 6 months now but looks totally different.
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Sta~ple Posted - 02/02/2011 : 07:24:14
Please do! I've never seen an anery with brown eyes before I don't think, it's a lovely eye though ^^

Might have to snap at my girls eye
eeji Posted - 01/02/2011 : 22:26:22
heres my ghosts eye, photo taken when she was a baby:

and a photo of an adult anery that I used to have:

They were fed yesterday, so if I remember i'll get a fresh pic of the ghost in a few days (I will probably need reminding! )
mikerichards Posted - 01/02/2011 : 19:50:06
The eyes generally don't change much, different morphs have different eye colours, aneries tend to be grey ish, maybe with a tinge of blue, sort of a slate colour.
Morphs of a morph, like ghost or hypos generally will have a lighter version of the single trait.
There is a section in the corn book about eye colour, the Kathy love one, also if you van find a morph guide then it will be in there too.
As for overall colour, type 1 aneries develop a fair amount of yellow on their neck and flanks, type 2, charcoal, tend to develop more purple. On the whole though, aneries tend to stay shades of black and white, not so much brown, brown is a shade of red, and true aneries have no red.
Red123 Posted - 01/02/2011 : 19:18:20
Just wondering because Sid a normal has amber eyes (the iris) but Patricks eyes are grey/blue (the iris) you can just make out Patricks eyes if you look closely at pic in my signature.
Sta~ple Posted - 01/02/2011 : 19:12:04
I guess ghosts have the same eye colouring as anerys to be honest, maybe a bit lighter. Never seen a corn with blue eyes though unless in shed. They would I guess have the same kind of colour eyes, not exact. Not too good at explaining stuff *_*

I've never noticed my snakes eyes changed but then again I may not since I see them every day lol
Red123 Posted - 01/02/2011 : 19:03:47
OK thanks, looks like he is an anery then. Can snakes of the same morph have different colour eyes then? Just being curious now.
tehbunneh Posted - 01/02/2011 : 19:03:29
My anery has a very dark greyish-brown colour to his eyes. He's very different to a lot of Anerys I see his age too; his saddles are an almost burgundy colour, with a very purple-ish grey base. He doesn't have much yellow either, down his neck. His belly is white and black cheques. There is some speculation from when he was bought that he may be het Lavender, which may have affected his colours somewhat, but we just aren't sure.
Sta~ple Posted - 01/02/2011 : 18:27:40
Both my anerys have grey eyes, adult and child.
herriotfan Posted - 01/02/2011 : 18:01:28
Well put Red123, maybe my choice of brownish should have been purpleish/greyish/brownish!! He may well look different to another anery of the same age, it could be that he's shed more. Their colours develope more with each shed. Also the colours on the same morph can vary quite a lot. My anery motley stripe looks much different to how she was as a tiny hatchling. Her yellow is increasing with each shed. She's even getting a cute yellow nose!!
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 01/02/2011 : 17:43:13
oh ok, it was just an idea thas all, im no profeesional, so i was just going by what i do know
Red123 Posted - 01/02/2011 : 16:37:57
No its not because he is in shed. He was black and white but now his black is more of a dark grey but more of a purple tinge to it in the middle of his patches and his white is a pale grey. He has developed a large amount of yellowing down both sides of his body stretching almost half way down the length of him. His underneath is still black and white check. Its just that i saw some pics of an anery about the same age and that one still appears to be black and white.
herriotfan Posted - 01/02/2011 : 16:13:21
Anery snake start off as black and white hatchlings, then as they mature they change and go a brownish colour with yellow under the chin and along the side.
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 01/02/2011 : 15:50:26
silly question, but could he be going into shed again by any chance

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