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 vitamins and minerals

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 31/01/2011 : 20:54:29
im confused by the fact that alot of shops are selling vitamins and minerals for reptiles but quite unsure about how they help exactly, can anyone shed light on this please
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kehhlyr Posted - 31/01/2011 : 23:31:28
Only my lizards get any kind of supplements for their meals.
I have one of my snakes that will be getting a light dusting on every other feed shortly, but that's due to the hope that she'll lock with my male and a little bit extra for a female that is intended to be bred or for females that have just laid will do no harm.
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 31/01/2011 : 21:49:42
ok will do thanx all
herriotfan Posted - 31/01/2011 : 21:31:36
Most of these things are for other reptiles. As with all retail industries the reptile trade will try to tell you that you really need this stuff for your snake but you don't. They're just trying to make you buy it by suggesting you're not the best owner if you don't and making you feel guilty!! If there's something you think your snake should have just ask on here first and our experts will advise you......
Mort13 Posted - 31/01/2011 : 21:05:56
I used to buy a powder when I had bearded dragons for dusting/gut loading the crickets with. It had vitamins and calcium which can be lacking in a lizards diet.
tehbunneh Posted - 31/01/2011 : 21:05:22
Generally not for snakes, but for lizards like chameleons, beardies and geckos that tend to lack the ability to produce essential vits&mins like Calcium from the artifical lighting they are given in replacement to basking in the sun, and the vits&mins just give them a boost. Snakes, on the other hand, get all their vits&mins from their mice, so its not necessary a lot of the time to dust their food or give them supplements.

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