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ilovemypets1988 Posted - 31/01/2011 : 18:43:14
hi all, does the fact that my snake doesnt move much when im holding him mean that hes relaxed and content to be there or not as im unsure so i thought it best just to ask
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 02/02/2011 : 14:53:48
ohok will do when he does it next :)
n/a Posted - 02/02/2011 : 09:49:40
The latter
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 01/02/2011 : 23:48:14
of what, him in my pocket or with his head sticking out
n/a Posted - 01/02/2011 : 23:11:24
We want a pic
herriotfan Posted - 01/02/2011 : 09:29:52
Originally posted by ilovemypets1988

when i have hold of him, i always have a shirt on, or any top with a pocket, so when he gets out of control, i usually put him in my pocket, which in turn acts like a hide and calms him down straight away and sometimes he even sticks his head out of the pocket and just rests his head on the opening and stays put, its actually quite cute to see tbh

Aww, bless him. That's so cute!!!
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 01/02/2011 : 00:24:31
when i have hold of him, i always have a shirt on, or any top with a pocket, so when he gets out of control, i usually put him in my pocket, which in turn acts like a hide and calms him down straight away and sometimes he even sticks his head out of the pocket and just rests his head on the opening and stays put, its actually quite cute to see tbh
herriotfan Posted - 31/01/2011 : 21:24:58
Originally posted by ilovemypets1988

sometimes he does try to just take off and i have a certain way of calming him down

Do tell......what is your certain way of calming him down!
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 31/01/2011 : 21:14:25
sometimes he does try to just take off and i have a certain way of calming him down
herriotfan Posted - 31/01/2011 : 21:10:57
It could also mean that he's been handled a lot by the breeder and is happy to be held! Just be prepared for him to explore and suddenly 'take off' at a moments notice!! Hold him over the bed or a soft landing spot, in case you drop him.
lotabob Posted - 31/01/2011 : 19:52:28
Yeah probably a bit unsure still but its a good thing as the alternative is the 'bar of soap' snake, impossible to keep hold of, just keep to regular but not too long holding sessions and he'll soon be winding round your fingers disappearing up sleeves and trying to climb up your nostrils in no time.
ilovemypets1988 Posted - 31/01/2011 : 19:35:45
hes about 3 weeks by my count (ive owned him for 3 wks i mean lol)
lotabob Posted - 31/01/2011 : 19:30:14
I would think it may stil be a little unsure, is it fairly new? Spot only stops still to warm up on my wrist or poo on me.

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