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 apparently doesn't like bath time

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Casta Posted - 25/10/2011 : 15:46:12
there's still a tiny amount of shed stuck to her head which i can't get off by rubbing (dunno why)and also a graze with some dead skin on her tail when she decided to do some climbing at the top of her faun. probably the best pics i can get of her markings as she's still so quick was gonna keep her in longer but she was not overly impressed so only got a 5 minute soak. hopefully it'll be sorted by her next shed. here she is in glorious technicolour

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Casta Posted - 26/10/2011 : 10:59:32
thats the thing, i did that after a couple of days of still not having shed properly, the majority came off in two neat bits (base of head downwards) but it still left a small amount just after the eye ridge. i know both caps came off as i found them in the viv, it was just that bit i couldn't get. hoping now that when she feeds it will just crack and fall off. ran her through a rough towel to dry her after and got a bit of crusty skin from that graze on her tail. just want to make sure it stays clean and healthy. trust a wee thing like that to get me worried. i think she does it on purpose

defo gonna put in a damp hide next time she's in blue. this isn't gonna happen again if i can help it
Mamma Posted - 26/10/2011 : 09:40:06
the debate on whether corns like baths or not is like opening a can of worms. My opinion is nay. But thats just me. What you could do if this problem occuurs again is soak a towel in luke warm water then wring it out so the towel is only damp. Let the snake slither through in your hands and that should help. I have done so with one of mine and it did the trick xx
thistle Posted - 26/10/2011 : 02:11:11
She is such a cute little thing.
Casta Posted - 25/10/2011 : 22:58:27
hmm. i think she's in a huff with me. had to restick the digital readout onto the faun and knocked it.... she is aptly named shaking her wee tail at me from inside her hide... probably hasn't helped that i've changed her substrate and placed her higher in the room recently... maybe give her a couple of days to calm.
scottishbluebird Posted - 25/10/2011 : 19:35:46
Great pics! but if a bath is not appreciated, put some damp spaghnum moss in a tub, Kellogs loves it (only for as long as needed)
Spreebok Posted - 25/10/2011 : 19:21:56
Aaaw, very cute! I have a soft spot for Snows!
kdlang Posted - 25/10/2011 : 17:16:27
Have you tried putting a damp hide in her tank for a few days. If you remove the other hides then she will have to use it and it might help her to get it off

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