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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gratts10 Posted - 22/06/2011 : 00:54:15
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Newbie Posted - 22/06/2011 : 17:45:02
Lovely colouring
Kehhlyr Posted - 22/06/2011 : 03:57:32
It's very hard to judge a snakes age unfortunately, especially from a pic with no reference to size in it. THey grow at such different rates that it's near impossible to say, only a guesstimate really and even then that could be way off.
I have a 17 year old kingsnake that is smaller than a kingsnake that's half it's age, so size is no go.
With any of mine that I'm unsure about, I just pick a number and go with that.

Also the in the pic he doesn't look overly underweight, although you can see his spine he's not excessively skinny.
You also say the pic was taken 3 weeks ago before he stopped eating for 2 months, can you explain that a bit better as the maths don't add up. Cheers.
gratts10 Posted - 22/06/2011 : 00:55:19
This picture was taken 3 weeks ago before he stopped eating for 2 months? Can anyone help me on what age scampy might be??

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