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 if a snake has a fall

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nickyff Posted - 06/01/2012 : 00:48:18
I know I'm almost definitely completely over-reacting, but want to check, just in case, you know...

sharon was just waggling in and out between my fingers, went round my wrist and doubled back on herself and sort of over-balanced and slid off before i could do anything about it. (It might even have been on purpose, cos usually she twists her tail round a finger like an anchor..) It was only about 3-4 inches down but she landed on the keyboard and it made quite a 'thunk'. she seems okay- she carried on pootling abput afterwards as if nothing had happened, but it made me think- when people fall we absorb the shock by putting our hands out, and the 'spring' action in yr joints takes the jolt and protects against damage... snakes dont have anything to absorb the fall- their whole body takes it- might she have hurt herself? if she has, what kind of behaviour would give it away? what do sore snakes do? hide i guess, but she does that quite a lot anyway......I keep thinking about how many ribs she has in there and that she might have cracked ribs
sorry about long wittering neurosis... but we've had a turbulent start to snake-keeping in this house, so i'm a bit precious about her....

is my snake alright?

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
smiffy89 Posted - 06/01/2012 : 17:25:25
really wouldnt worry compared to what they would face out in the big wide world a bump on a keyboard from 4 inch is a breeze
Emmy1 Posted - 06/01/2012 : 14:52:04
They're pretty hardy snakes and incredicbly clumsy. Obviously I'd keep an eye on them if they fall a significant height say maybe more than 4ft.
Spreebok Posted - 06/01/2012 : 14:37:47
They tend to bounce, no need to worry most of the time.
Kath Posted - 06/01/2012 : 10:03:56
When we went to get Cornelius from shop, guy who works there put him on counter in a little RUB, walked past him, caught him & he fell on floor still in his RUB.

I was really worried about him but he's been fine & we've had him since mid Oct last yr. He didn't seem affected by his fall at all. Needless to say, I was annoyed at chap tho!
nickyff Posted - 06/01/2012 : 01:30:47
thank you for the reassurance- rationally I know that she's probably fine, as you've both said.
I'll just be watching her especially closely when she comes out for a walk tomorrow -

...and i'll keep a cushion on the desk under my hands, in case of 'suicide jumps'!
lotabob Posted - 06/01/2012 : 01:01:47
I wouldnt worry my snakes fall off their branches all the time, they are remarkably clumsy, a small fall will do them no harm at all, I even had my corn do a suicide jump from my hands and it fell about 4 feet onto carpet, it did no harm even though I dont recommend allowing it to happen and felt awful and worried for weeks.
Casta Posted - 06/01/2012 : 00:52:57
she's a dinky, corns tend to spring back quite well. both my young ones managed to have a fall (not from me i might add)but were completely fine afterwards. considering on was from a 6ft high bloke who has been severely reprimanded for it, i think a couple of inches will do no harm

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