T O P I C R E V I E W |
Moppet |
Posted - 11/09/2012 : 17:56:01 On one of my 'surf the internet for pretty corn snakes' sessions, I saw the term 'frosted' corn used but I don't think I've come across this before. What does it mean? Is it something to do with the paler 'frosting' on some of the saddles? Is it a hybrid thing? Just trying to learn more about it  |
11 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
smart bunny |
Posted - 17/09/2012 : 07:50:12 Oooh frosted's sure are pretty!  |
eeji |
Posted - 13/09/2012 : 19:12:27 quote: Originally posted by Moppet
Thanks eeji Very interesting. My anery has a few scales on his saddles which are paler than the saddles themselves. He was sold to me as a corn, not a hybrid. Is there any way I can tell for sure? I can try to get some pictures up if it helps. I thought he was just a corn with imperfect saddles but now I am not so sure.
unfortunately theres no way to tell unless you know the ancestry. The same effect can also be seen in pure corns so its not always a sign of a hybrid (and the other way too, not all corn x grey hybrids have frosting) |
Razee |
Posted - 13/09/2012 : 17:15:10 There is a picture and an article in Bill and Kathy Love's book The Corn Snake Manual - I could re type what it says but it's long and I'd probably be breaking some copyrights laws... basically, it describes a snake with white speckling, where the colour on each scale is concentrated just to the middle of each scale, so overall it looks " frosted " . There were several strains involved, one of which was a cross with a grey rat snake. This line was then " retired " in favour of the other " pure " guttata strain. Don't forget this is just one opinion from one book, and there's probably new and more up to date info elsewhere... just thought I'd put it here, in case you have the book. |
Isoldael |
Posted - 13/09/2012 : 15:27:43 I think having lighter scales along the center of the saddle is pretty normal ^^ |
Moppet |
Posted - 12/09/2012 : 23:40:57 Thanks eeji Very interesting. My anery has a few scales on his saddles which are paler than the saddles themselves. He was sold to me as a corn, not a hybrid. Is there any way I can tell for sure? I can try to get some pictures up if it helps. I thought he was just a corn with imperfect saddles but now I am not so sure. |
eeji |
Posted - 12/09/2012 : 19:31:14 rubi got it right, its a corn x grey rat hybrid |
Moppet |
Posted - 11/09/2012 : 22:14:30 Oooh, that snake is pretty. Picture is from SMR too so maybe it is legit. |
Thorne Walker |
Posted - 11/09/2012 : 22:11:34 eh.. this guy has a photo of a red snake with white saddles ID'd as frosted..
http://snakesnmoresnakes.blogspot.ca/2008/02/photo-of-frosted-corn-snake.html |
Moppet |
Posted - 11/09/2012 : 21:57:15 It's not on ians viv which is why I suspected how valid it was...I've found lots of strange sites many of which say different things so I'm a bit stumped tbh. Just wondered if anyone had heard of it before or if it is a different name for something else? |
rubi |
Posted - 11/09/2012 : 20:19:31 another sight sayd its a cross between corn and grey rat snake..resulting in white scales between the sadles (again not sure on reliability of this) |
rubi |
Posted - 11/09/2012 : 20:17:52 Not heard of it myself is it on ian vivs? i tend to google image stuff to get idea although i know not reliable..got this http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=frosted corn snake&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1067&bih=455&tbm=isch&tbnid=MQ6Oiyofu9cvTM:&imgrefurl=http://www.reptileforums.co.uk/forums/snakes/659395-unusual-corn-snake-morph-could-5.html&docid=d7ZC1h9Mv76UkM&imgurl=http://redtailboa.net/pp/data/3420/medium/New_Corns_08_adults_025.jpg&w=640&h=480&ei=FI5PULvHF9Da0QXW1IDYAg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=277&vpy=141&dur=2046&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=114&ty=78&sig=113252794197719039142&page=1&tbnh=117&tbnw=163&start=0&ndsp=11&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:76
If that is a frosted i rather like it :) |