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 Crested gecko set up

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Moppet Posted - 07/09/2013 : 18:18:06
I think I'm nearly there with my set up for my new crestie

I plan on putting a heatmat on the back (on a stat obviously) for the winter as my house gets a little too chilly.
I'm going to used kitchen roll for a substrate, at least to begin with, as my reserved gecko is quite small and quite young (8 weeks old when I will collect him/her). I will be putting eco earth (dampened) in the hide on the floor so that there is a humid hide if the gecko wants one.

I would have liked to get one of these too but I would have to order it from USA and it gets a little pricey for what is essentially a magnetic hide without a back on it.

I'm toying with the idea of getting a vine to put in there too for some extra climbability.

What do you think? Do I need a vine and another hide? I know there's supposed to be a bit of room for jumping about too.
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Moppet Posted - 14/09/2013 : 13:28:17
Thank you
Callazagy Posted - 13/09/2013 : 20:47:05
Looks great and the gecko is gorgeous.
manda88 Posted - 11/09/2013 : 13:42:19
Yeah I'm still happy with my Halloween :D he's got a couple of cute little Dalmatian spots too! The tricolour is rather spectacular isn't it, I hope it turns out as handsome as its dad!
I've only got one crestie at the moment, she's not one to be bred from though as her tail is set super wonky, so two more won't hurt :P
Moppet Posted - 10/09/2013 : 12:47:50
Haha, thanks. Your halloween pin is gorgeous too and your tricolour is amazing, I was going to reserve that one but you got there first...might have the other one though My OH isn't impressed with me either. He said I could have one crestie... How many crested geckos do you have already?
manda88 Posted - 10/09/2013 : 10:50:30
I couldn't make my mind up between the two so I got them both, my OH is going to kill Mr when he finds out! I've wanted a Halloween pin for ages so I thought hey why not, and I can't resist a good tricolour your Halloween pin is just outstanding, the secondiI saw it I wanted it, and then saw it had been reserved, I was like nooooooo, but it's ok as it's going to you
Moppet Posted - 09/09/2013 : 12:29:50
Haha, another two? Thanks Amanda Time is going soooo slowly whilst I'm waiting to collect...

Ooh, we must have similar taste, you've got the tricolour pin I had my eye on haha.
manda88 Posted - 09/09/2013 : 09:57:41
Ps set ups look really good!
manda88 Posted - 09/09/2013 : 09:57:03
Damn you, Sarah, you got the one I wanted but it's ok, I secretly reserved another two....haha.
Moppet Posted - 08/09/2013 : 22:44:48
Yeah they are. They have some beautiful breeding animals that are producing some lovely babies.

I'm trying to resist getting a second baby from them whose Dad looks like this:

He is a tricolour pinstripe and so beautiful too.
scottishbluebird Posted - 08/09/2013 : 22:32:17
wow parents are stunning
Moppet Posted - 08/09/2013 : 22:25:30
Thanks blackcat He/she's got lots of growing up to do and colours will likely change quite a lot.

When fired up he/she is black and bright orange with pale blonde along the crests down his/her back. I'm hoping he/she will turn out a bit like mum and dad who look like this (Sunglasses warning for Dad...)

Dad fired

Mum unfired

I've already started brainstorming for names but will decide when I meet him/her.
Blackcat Posted - 08/09/2013 : 22:10:46
Set up looking fab and what a gorgeous little one
mjpeters, not sure this link will work, but this group on fb has a list of uk breeders:
Unfortunately you have to have an fb account to see it
Moppet Posted - 08/09/2013 : 18:01:33
Aww, bless him. They are nocturnal, maybe he's having crazy parties at night?

Good luck mj. I found the little gecko I have reserved on the dark side, surely they would be some breeders down south too.
Hissyfit Posted - 08/09/2013 : 17:43:39
Poor Phosphor seems to be very sensitive, and doesn't appear to have moved in the last few days. I put his hide back this morning after thinking if he feels safe in it, may as well let him have it!
I never realized how sensitive they are, so hopefully he'll have settled down in a month or so and start getting used to the 'living room' sounds Just in time for us to go on holiday and put him into boarding...expect we'll be back to square one again
mjpeters Posted - 08/09/2013 : 17:00:35
hmm,I shall give it a go-also the Dark Side
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 08/09/2013 : 16:57:16
I see your problem MJ, its why i didnt wait until Donny to get my Buck, i was affraid the 6+ hour train ride would be an issue.
Hopefully you will fine one close by soon enough. Have you looked on preloved etc?
mjpeters Posted - 08/09/2013 : 16:28:38
From whatI have read these guys are quite sensitive?
Its just that; to join 'Team Crestie'I would not want to risk the whole courier trip on a little guy-sooo that means a great big expensive hike via car ferry then long drive.
Suddenly Delightful little Crested Dragony fella is a good £100-£130 MORE expensive than he should be
Do any of you guys know of any south coast Crestie breeders?
Moppet Posted - 08/09/2013 : 14:34:46
Thanks hissyfit Haha, I should have expected that response on this forum. I have this feeling that I could end up bringing a trio home from Doncaster... knowing my luck they would all end up being male or not getting along and I'd have to have three separate enclosures! Ah well, I enjoyed setting this one up and I think it's a nice looking addition to the room. Three enclosures wouldn't be too bad

Maybe Phosphor is still settling in. I read somewhere that it can take them a month or so to feel truly settled in a new home. I hope he'll get more confident and spend more time where you can see him soon
Hissyfit Posted - 08/09/2013 : 13:02:44
Aww, what an adorable little baby Moppet,and your set up looks fantastic You really want to get 2 though I'm wondering if a girlfriend or 2 would make a difference to Phosphor, might stop him hiding away all the time
Moppet Posted - 07/09/2013 : 22:20:30
Thanks Razee And thanks Hayley. I hope he/she likes their new home Still two loooooong weeks until I can bring him home...

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