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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Coal Posted - 21/06/2013 : 10:09:44
Hi all, Coal here, I'm new to the forum and pretty new to reptile keeping in general; just got my first corn last week c:

He's a very handsome amel male with a lovely temperament; he's never so much as rattled his tail or hissed (do corn snakes hiss...?), let alone bitten, and although he can be quite wriggly he seems to quite enjoy being handled.

The only pic I have of him is quite large so in the interests of not stretching the board....(Kellog decides that Lovecraft deserves a big pic because he's so lovely)

I just have one question at the mo'; he's about 11 months old right now and is about 50cm long, and I was wondering whether this is normal as it seems a little small to me. I'm not worried; he seems to be in great health, I'm just curious to here others' opinions c:

Thanks and hi again <3

Edited by Kellog to include pic
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Blackcat Posted - 26/06/2013 : 15:17:02
Hello and welcome
Lovecraft is gorgeous
Kellog Posted - 26/06/2013 : 07:53:12
He really is lovely . I'm glad you're going to take some time to get to know Lovecraft and caring for corns in general before you get another one....but then I have heard that before and the temptation always wins out in the end .

I know Figs has answered your question about shedding and feeding. Personally I don't handle or feed mine when they are blue. During that stage they are virtually blind so it can be very scary and my thinking is that in the wild they'd be hidden away somewhere, not out hunting. Missing a feed doesn't bother them and I'd rather avoid adding any stress to an already stressful situation. But people differ in what they do and so do snakes.

You'll find more information about what to look out for etc in Shedding and dealing with shedding problems

cobweb251 Posted - 26/06/2013 : 07:49:30
welcome :)
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 25/06/2013 : 22:08:25
So pretty! But again, thats expected of me :P Albino addictions for the win!
Coal Posted - 25/06/2013 : 19:51:24
Hi everyone :D Have another photo now so thought I'd put it up :)

Redware Posted - 24/06/2013 : 21:30:31
Hi and welcome!
Mort13 Posted - 24/06/2013 : 21:16:51
Hi and welcome. He looks to be in tippity top condition to me.
Coal Posted - 24/06/2013 : 12:04:58
Ah thank you Figs, it should be a little while yet then before he sheds but I will keep an eye out just in case. I'm hoping it will be obvious when he's in blue so I won't miss the signs. And thanks for the advice when it comes to feeding; I'll offer him a meal and it'll be up to him whether or not he takes it c:
Figs Posted - 24/06/2013 : 11:43:57
Teehee! Good luck

My little ones all shed once a month, then as the get bigger it gets less frequent. I've stopped keeping track now lol, but I think my big'uns shed every 2 - 3 months now. If he's eating, pooping, hasnt got stuck shed and is otherwise acting normally, I wouldnt worry about shedding too much or not often enough or anything like that
As for the feeding, its totally up to you. Feeding in blue wont hurt him at all, its just that many dont feel like eating
Coal Posted - 24/06/2013 : 11:08:52
@ Figs: I would love to but I'm going to (try to :P ) resist until I've gone through all of the 'firsts' with Lovecraft a few times to build up my experience (that having been said, I'm hoping to go to the CREAKS show in Kidderminster next month so we'll see how strong my resolve is then :P ) As for the firsts, there's just shedding left now and I'm a little anxious about it!

Actually that reminds me; I was going to ask you guys something that I feel I should already know but that for some reason can't seem to find a definitive answer to: How often roughly can corn snakes be expected to shed? I gather it's dependent on age and size but a very rough average figure would be really helpful so I have at least some idea of when to expect it - the person who sold him to me gave me his last shed date so I should be able to work it out c: Also, what are people's opinions on feeding when he's blue (or pink? His eyes are red normally...). Should I offer or wait until he's done shedding?
Figs Posted - 23/06/2013 : 20:25:01
Originally posted by Coal

I've only had Lovecraft a week and I'm already half-tempted to get another :D

Doooooo it
Kellog Posted - 23/06/2013 : 20:22:58
That's great to hear . It's always a bit nerve wracking when they move up a size. Just knowing that they can take prey so much bigger than themselves doesn't stop you worrying as you watch their jaws 'walk' around the head, stretching and them trying to work out how to fit the front paws in.... But they are wonderfully designed .

Coal Posted - 23/06/2013 : 18:43:25
Thanks again for all the welcomes guys, and to Kellog for posting up the picture and for the warnings... I've only had Lovecraft a week and I'm already half-tempted to get another :D

Like I said, I'm not overly concerned about his size, just wanted to check it wasn't indicative of something serious, and that 'How big should my snake be' post has convinced me that isn't... some of the size differences between clutchmates in there are crazy :o Anyway his growth may speed up now as I've moved him onto smalls - gave him his first this afternoon. I was a little anxious because the mouse was only just within the 1.5 rule, but after a little hesitation (I guess because he hadn't seen one before) he took it and it all went down without a hitch :)
vector200066 Posted - 22/06/2013 : 21:18:52
Hi and welcome to the forum.
Callazagy Posted - 22/06/2013 : 12:57:33
Hi & Welcome
Donnie Posted - 22/06/2013 : 12:24:47
hello and welcome
Slinkey23 Posted - 21/06/2013 : 19:35:12
Wlecome to the fun! Hes lovely
ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 21/06/2013 : 19:21:14
Hopefully a Cthullu with be next ;D or Maybe an Edgar and an Allan and a Poe! :o
Kellog Posted - 21/06/2013 : 19:18:24
Glad you've joined us Coal. Lovecraft is lovely . Please don't worry about whether he is big enough compared to others his size. If you look in How big should my snake be? you'll see how much snakes even from the same clutch, who are fed exactly the same, can differ. As has been said, as long as he's doing everything he should then he's fine .

As far as feeding is concerned, if you are concerned that small mice are too wide for him then it's fine to do some feeds of double fluffs. I know it can seem daunting when you compare the size of their head with what you need them to eat, but its amazing how they can stretch their jaws and swallow prey that just seems too big . There is more information on knowing when to move up to the next size, etc in A VERY ROUGH guide to feeding . There are also other good threads in that section to help you make sure you've got his set-up right with its heatmat, thermostat and digital thermometer, and about shedding, handling, etc.

If you can't find what you want to know using the search option, then please don't hesitate to ask. We don't bite....much .

And a word of warning.....keeping corns is addictive, Lovecraft won't be your one and only !!

ScaryVonHayleystine Posted - 21/06/2013 : 16:53:17
id say if your going to give double meals then carry it on as long as your snake agrees.

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